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Extremal Throughputs in Free-Choice Nets.

Bouillard, Anne; Gaujal, Bruno; Mairesse, Jean

In: Gianfranco Ciardo, Philippe Darondeau (Eds.): Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3536: Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2005: 26th International Conference, ICATPN 2005, Miami, USA, June 20-25, 2005., pages 108-127. Springer Verlag, June 2005.

Abstract: We give a method to compute the throughput in a timed live and bounded free-choice Petri net under a total allocation (i.e. a 0-1 routing). We also characterize and compute the conflict-solving policies that achieve the smallest throughput in the special case of a 1-bounded net. They do not correspond to total allocations, but still have a small period.

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