In: 5th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, Toulouse (F) 19.-22. October 1993, pages 46-55. 1993.
Abstract: This paper presents an enumerative approach for time Petri nets (or Merlin's model) analysis. In this model, if a transition is enabled at time t, it can be fired at any time in the interval [t+tmin(t), t+tmax(t)]. We show that the firing confition at the nth firing can be expressed by the means of the marking, the enabling point of enabled transitions and the minimal and maximal elapsed time between two firings. This result leads to an attractive definition of state classes and allows a simple computation state classes. Compared with the approach defined in earlier papers this one presented here has two main advantages. Firstly, the computation of reachable state classes is more simple and does not require any solution of system. Secondly, the graph obtained by our approach is a subgraph of this given by Menasche's one.