Grenoble, France: Univ., Lab. d'Informatique Fondamentale et d'Intelligence Artificielle, pages 1-42 pp.. Washington, DC, USA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (No. N91--23780/0/XAD; ETN--91--99237), November 1990.
Abstract: Ways in which a net theoretical implementation of the FP2 parallel language is used to overcome problems with combinatorial explosions in the implementation of parallelism are described. FP2 programs are implemented via special interpreted Petri nets (called RFP2 nets). Formal results on correctness and efficiency are given. The basic concepts underlying FP2 language are outlined. The RFP2 networks and the main properties of these networks are defined along with the transformation corrections necessary. A practical evaluation of the networks is carried out by means of a complexity analysis.
Keywords: FP2 parallel language; combinatorial explosion; complexity analysis; interpreted net.