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From Petri hypernets to 1-safe nets.

Bednarczyk, M.A.; Bernardinello, L.; Pawlowski, W.; Pomello, L.

In: 06, 2006: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components and Agents, MOCA'06, Bericht 272, FBI-HH-B-272, pages 23-43. June 06.

Abstract: Petri hypernets offer a formalism suitable for modelling dynamic agents operating in hierarchically structured environments. They can manipulate other agents as tokens, and be manipulated as tokens by other agents at the same time. The hierarchical structure is not static in contrast to other models of mobility based on Petri nets. Agents can exchange tokens with their sub- or super-agents, and thereby change the hierarchy. Hypernets, in the simple form presented here, are descriptions of finite dynamic systems. This note explains how each hypernet can be seen as compact representation of a standard Petri net. That is we exhibit a uniform translation that takes a hypernet and returns a Petri net together with a class of 1-safe markings closed under firing, so that the case graph of the latter is isomorphic to the transition system generated by the set of all admissible hypermarkings of the former.

Keywords: mobility; hypernets; 1-safe Petri nets; agents.

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