In: Proceedings of the EUROMICRO'90 Workshop on Real Time, 1990, Horsholm, Denmark, pages 72-78. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990.
Abstract: PROTOB, a methodology based on an object-oriented formalism for the executable specification of event-driven systems is presented. The PROTOB formalism integrates and extends SA/RT dataflows and Petri nets. PROTOB applies the operational paradigm to the software life cycle: its software models are executable and directly translatable into C or Ada code. It is supported by a fully tested CASE (computer-aided software engineering) environment. PROTOB addresses the object-oriented analysis and design of large-scale, event-driven systems such as real-time embedded systems, communication protocols, and automated manufacturing control systems.
Keywords: PROTOB; object oriented methodology; PROT net; real-time system; computer-aided software engineering; communication protocol; flexible manufacturing system (control); event-driven system.