Ph.D. Thesis, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, USA: Air Force Institute of Technology, 519 pp. pages, 1989. Available from University Microfilms, PO Box 1764, Ann Arbor, MI, USA: Order No. 90--08, 135.
Abstract: This investigation develops a generalized formal language theory model. It is defined as a graph generative system, and it is analyzed from a set theoretic, formal language, algebraic, and abstract automata perspective. As a result of the analysis, numerous theorems pertaining to the properties of the model, graphs, and graph-based languages are derived. The Petri net model of parallel computation is formalized as a graph-based language. The Petri net syntax is formally mapped into the corresponding syntax of a Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) model of parallel computation where CSP is used as the formalism for extended wide-spectrum languages. Finally, the Petri net to CSP mapping is analyzed from a behavioral perspective to demonstrate that the CSP specification formally behaves in a manner equivalent to the Petri net model.
Keywords: graph-based language (specification, analysis, mapping); (development of) parallel software; graph generative system; communicating sequential processes.