In: Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 10, No. 3, pages 221-241. 1994.
Abstract: Hybrid continuous-time and discrete-event system models are developed for applications to intelligent robot and autonomous control systems. Certain general properties, including the interface structure between the discrete event part and the continuous part of hybrid systems, are studied. Petri nets are proposed as the model for the discrete event sub-system (DES), and state equations with a set of binary parameters as the model for the continuous time sub-system (CTS) in a hybrid system. The quantized CTS is formulated in prime event structures, which can also be modeled by a condition/event Petri net. Therefore, a complete hybrid system can be fit into an extended Petri net formalism, which provides a unified framework for hybrid system description. The validity of the proposed model is demonstrated by modeling a two-tank system.
Keywords: Petri nets, continuous-time systems, discrete-event systems, hybrid systems, intelligent control.