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A Simulation Model of a Uniform Interface for Layered Protocol Architectures.

Ajmone Marsan, M.; Rossi, G.P.; Salvi, F.

In: PNPM89. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop On Petri Nets and Performance Models, 1989, Kyoto, Japan, pages 152-161. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990.

Abstract: The paper presents a simulation model of an interface in a layered protocol architecture, such as the one defined by the Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model. The interface is designed to operate between any two protocol layers, and to relieve the protocl machines of the management of data unit queues. The simulation model is developed using PROTOB, an object-oriented simulation environment based on Prot nets, a class of colored Petri nets with timed transitions. Differtent buffer allocation policies in the interface are compared by showing their simulated performance results.

Keywords: uniform interface; layered protocol architecture; Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model; object-oriented simulation; Prot net; PROTOB.

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