IAS Modules
Here you can find a list of links to English information of modules that are available within the IAS programme.
IAS Structure
The Master’s programme is comprised of 120 credit points that are distributed between compulsory core lectures, selectable focus and extending lectures, and project work:
- Core Modules (48 CP)
- Focus Choice (18 CP)
- Extending Choice (12 CP)
- Project and Thesis (42 CP)
Core Modules
Core lectures are compulsory for all students. This set of lectures conveys an in-depth understanding of different types of intelligent adaptive systems and introduces students to the most current research in the different areas. All core modules consist of a combination of lecture and seminar/tutorial to foster student participation and constant application of learned concepts.
Software Architecture (SA)
- 64-426 Lecture: Software Architecture (Softwarearchitektur)
- 64-427 Integrated Seminar: Architecture-centric Software Development (Architekturzentrierte Softwareentwicklung)
Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence (BAI)
- 64-275 Lecture: Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence (Bioinspirierte Künstliche Intelligenz)
- 64-276 Integrated Seminar: Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence (Bioinspirierte Künstliche Intelligenz)
Intelligent Robotics (IR)
- 64-424 Lecture: Intelligent Robotics (Intelligente Roboter)
- 64-425 Integrated Seminar: Intelligent Robotics (Intelligente Roboter)
Neural Networks (NN)
- 64-416 Lecture: Knowledge Processing with Neural Networks (Wissensverarbeitung mit Neuronalen Netzwerken)
- 64-417 Integrated Seminar: Knowledge Processing with Neural Networks (Wissensverarbeitung mit Neuronalen Netzwerken)
Databases and Information Systems (DIS)
- 64-340 Lecture: Databases and Information Systems (Datenbanken und Informationssysteme) Currently no information available in English
- 64-341 Tutorial: Databases and Information Systems (Datenbanken und Informationssysteme) Currently no information available in English
Algorithmic Learning (AL)
- 64-360 Lecture: Algorithmic Learning (Algorithmisches Lernen)
- 64-361 Tutorial: Algorithmic Learning (Algorithmisches Lernen) No information available yet
Research Methods (RM)
- Lecture: Research Methods (Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten)] No information available yet, first offered WS2013/14
- Tutorial/Practical: Research Methods (Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten) No information available yet, first offered WS2013/14
Focus Choice
Focus choice slots provide students with the opportunity to strengthen their background in a chosen field or deepen their knowledge in a field which complements the core modules. Focus modules will be chosen in consultation with an assigned advisor and can be selected from a list that was put together to align well with the overall focus of the master. This list will contain single modules which supplement core lectures as well as suggested sets of lectures that together form a coherent focus area. It will be reviewed on a regular basis to reflect current research and to include newly emerged and complementary teaching areas. The following list shows the modules currently available for focus option slots in the winter or summer semester.
Winter Semester
Knowledge Processing (WV1)
- 64-414 Lecture: Knowledge Representation (Wissensrepräsentation)
- 64-415 Integrated Seminar: Knowledge Representation (Wissensrepräsentation)
Image Processing (BV1)
Evaluation of Computer Networks (LTR)
- 64-410 Lecture: Evaluation of Computer Networks (Leistungs-/Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung und Traffic-Engineering für Rechnernetze)
- 64-411 Integrated Seminar: Evaluation of Computer Networks (Leistungs-/Zuverlässigkeitsbewertung und Traffic-Engineering für Rechnernetze)
Summer Semester
Language Processing (SV)
- 64-418 Lecture: Language and Speech in Multimodal Interaction (Sprachverarbeitung)
- 64-419 Integrated Seminar: Dialogue Systems (Sprachverarbeitung) No information available yet
Robot Technology (RT)
- 64-270 Lecture: Introduction to Robotics Currently no information available in English
- 64-271 Tutorial: Introduction to Robotics Currently no information available in English
- 64-272 Practical: Robot Practical Course Currently no information available in English
Mobile Networks and Communication (MNE)
- 64-408 Lecture: Mobile Networks and Communication (Mobilnetze, dienstintegrierte Netze und Echtzeitkommunikation) Currently no information available in English
- 64-409 Tutorial: Mobile Networks and Communication (Mobilnetze, dienstintegrierte Netze und Echtzeitkommunikation) Currently no information available in English
Extension Choice
12 credit points can be selected from a range of lectures taught at the Department of Informatics or other departments. In comparison to the focus options, these modules can be used to gain knowledge in fields that go beyond the scope of this programme, but are linked to its contents, e.g. Psychology or Biology. The lectures are again chosen in consultation with an advisor, to guarantee a meaningful choice in alignment with the student’s background and aims.
Links will follow shortly!
Project and Thesis
After lectures and seminars, where the focus is usually on individual work, the student has to participate in a group project, before undertaking a research project that finally leads to the Master’s thesis. In the group project, the focus is on teamwork and a scientific exchange and defense of ideas, to prepare students for a collaborative scientific environment. Students are encouraged to choose projects in preparation of their research project and to actively take part in research projects of a chosen area. Two to three students are expected to work as an independent group with a supervisor from the corresponding area.
A seminar, where all groups meet, gives students the opportunity to present their work to a wider audience of peers, in an environment comparable to a scientific conference. In the last term, students work full time on an independent research project which ends with submission of the final Master’s thesis.