Main Page
About this wiki
This wiki is a central source of information for (international) students and applicants for the Master's program Intelligent Adaptive Systems at the Department of Informatics, Universität Hamburg, Germany.
About the IAS Program
Intelligent systems and robots will become an integral part of our daily lives. To be accepted by people and interact with them efficiently and naturally, they must adapt to changing environments and the users with whom they interact. Intelligent systems will automatically acquire and manage knowledge using various sensors and learn and optimize their behaviour over time. This international Master’s program at Universität Hamburg in Germany aims to provide students with the ability to create intelligent adaptive systems and prepare students for a future market in which intelligent behaviour is considered the standard for computer systems. Here you can find more information about the IAS Program:
About the application and admission procedure
Additional information
Asking questions about applications, admissions, or the IAS program
Since some documents you receive from the central administration are unfortunately still in German - you can find translated information here in this wiki. Please be aware that most of the documents you receive in German are legal documents and are only legally binding in German. If you have specific questions, please contact the IAS Team. Unfortunately, we currently can not guarantee that the translations are 100% correct.