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Due to the coronavirus pandemic, applications via email are now possible and kindly asked for – see the application process for more information.

Information for applicants for the M.Sc. Intelligent Adaptive Systems

The contact for all questions regarding the M.Sc. IAS is the IAS Team which is managed by the academic advisor:

The aim is to centralize currently dispersed information for (international) students and applicants at the department of informatics for the Master program Intelligent Adaptive Systems at Universität Hamburg, Germany.

IAS Program


Link collection for more information

Asking questions about the application within the application period

IAS Contact

Due to a very high number of applications - please read through the entire wiki and website yourself before you ask a question which you could have answered yourself very easily. The website and wiki hold enough and detailed information that applicants are able to apply with complete and well-prepared applications. However, if you have a question you may ask via email - citing the paragraph of the wiki or website that you did not understand. We try to answer emails for each applicant once within the application period.


Since some documents you receive from the central administration are unfortunately still in German - you can find translated information here in this wiki. Please be aware that most of the documents you receive in German are legal documents and are only legally binding in German. If you have specific questions, please ask Unfortunately, we currently can not guarantee that the translations are 100% correct.