Application:Required documents

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This page is structured in two parts:

  • Main application documents
  • Additional documents

Main application documents

Please check carefully, if you have sent all required documents in due time. The deadline is the 31st of March. Faxes and e-mails are not accepted. The IAS admission board does not inform you of missing documents or late applications. Your application is considered incomplete if one or more of the required documents are not received before the deadline (via postal mail) and/or if your online application form is not submitted online. As a result, your application will not take part in the selection process. You can not submit missing documents after the expiration of the application deadline, there will be no reconsideration.

  1. Cover-letter-form as the first page of your application (to be downloaded here shortly before the application period starts)
  2. The printed and signed online application form (STiNE)
  3. A letter of motivation written by yourself in English language (max. 1.5 pages) in which you explain your choice of course and place of study in regard to your academic and professional aims and experience so far.
  4. Curriculum Vitae (table version) containing all of your relevant experience (academic, work, international, private …) + your grade and min/max passing grade
  5. BSc certificate (if you have completed your studies)
  6. Offcial transcript of records (and diploma supplement) issued by your university and/or other evidence attested by your university as specified in the formal requirements
  7. Official document(s) containing your overall grade (can be preliminary) with the minimum and the maximum passing grade in numbers
  8. A structured table of all core computer science courses you have completed/will complete as specified in the formal requirements
  9. Proof(s) of English language proficiency (see proficiency test scores)

Letter of Motivation

This is the most important document since it accounts for 40% of your ranking score. It has to be written by yourself in English language. There is a maximum of 1.5 pages that you should not exceed. In this letter you should explain your motivation to study especially this programme. The text should answer the following questions:

  • Why are you interested in the field "Intelligent Adaptive Systems" or what parts are most interesting and why?
  • Why is this programme especially suited to complement knowledge you already have?
  • Why did you choose to study this programme at Universität Hamburg?
  • How does this programme fit into your academic and professional future goals

The admission board will give high ratings to those letters that show that the student has made a deliberate choice to study IAS and can justify their decision well while also explaining how studying IAS will bring the student closer to a desired goal. The board is looking for students that show high motivation and have a good chance of finishing the programme with a high impact on the student's life. The ability to present a well argued and connected chain of argument is a major ability the board is looking for.

Things that affect the rating adversely are, amongst many, generic letters that are written for multiple applications, letters that are written in bad English or do not follow a good structure.

BSc certificates, transcript of records, diploma supplement and/or other evidence attested by your university

These documents are important since they determine whether you fulfil the formal requirement of 60 ECTS credits or comparable from the field of computer science. The documents do not have to be sent as certified/attested copies for application. You should not send original certificates since the IAS admission board will not send anything back. However, please note that in case your application is successful you will need to send attested/certified copies to the University via postal mail, so be prepared.

Please see formal requirements for detailed information on your transcript of records, BSc certificate and self-provided structure table of all core computer science courses you have completed/will complete. Please also refer to the listed information under formal requirements regarding questions about the ECTS credit system and the calculation of the required 60 ECTS, modules/courses counted as CS, unfinished degrees as well as comparable degrees.

Curriculum Vitae, including all necessary certificates

The CV (table version) should include information where your academic and professional career is visible. Especially information that shows your background relevant for IAS, e.g. projects on AI, should be listed and evidenced through acquired certificates. Project descriptions are especially important if the credits should be counted towards the credit requirement and should therefore outline CS contents.

Proof(s) of English language proficiency

The admission board is looking for evidence of a language level that ensures that you can both follow a complex lecture as well as communicate well in oral and written form. Students that don't have the necessary level won't be able to follow lectures, complete homework and seminar papers, or pass oral exams and thus not be able to complete our program. A language certificate of the listed levels is an automatic fulfillment of this requirement. If you do not have a certificate, you have to provide evidence that shows sufficient language proficiency. This evidence will be handed to the admission board which will decide on an individual basis whether the evidence is comparable to the required language certificates. The following evidence may be accepted:

  • Native English speaker (Short written statement that English is taught as a native language - evidenced by a copy of your passport, work, school, university)
  • Living in an English-speaking country for a long period (3 years or longer) (Should be stated in an extra document and evidenced by confirmation e.g. letter of your company, university)

Evidence that on its own does not fulfill the requirement includes:

  • English courses within your degree without an internationally accepted certificate
  • Short exchanges or visits in English-speaking countries
  • Essays or papers written in English language
  • Old English proficiency test score (older than 2 years)

Direct rejection

  • Sending a language proficiency test with a score below the listed levels
  • Applications without a language proficiency test and without an extra letter stating explictly what you would like the admission board to accept as English proficiency requirement

The admission board can also accept several documents showing weak evidence and decide that all evidence together shows sufficient proof of proficiency. This will be decided on a case by case basis taking into account all presented documents. However, recent application periods have shown that most applicants have been directly rejected without English proficiency test due to a very high number of applicants and/or an unclear evidenced English proficiency. Please note, that the admission board will not sort your mess.

The printed and signed application form

Once the application period has opened the online application form can be accessed (see the official | IAS website for the link and the FAQ on how to fill out the form). Please fill out the form and at the end print out the summary at the end (NOT the full form). This print-out has to be signed and included in your application package.

Additional Documents

Generally, all possible documents that support your application (especially as evidence for the arguments used in your motivation letter) can be included and will be taken into account in the selection process. Please do not include all available documents but only documents that are relevant for this application. The selection of documents already shows your ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant content and a large amount of uncritically added certificates or documents may have a negative effect on your ranking.

Documents that should be added

  • Cover-letter-form as the first page of your application (to be downloaded here shortly before the application period starts)
  • Documents that add to the evidence needed for the requirements, e.g. additional proofs of language proficiency or higher education courses with computer science content
  • Evidence for international or professional experience relevant to IAS studies. International experience, e.g. a study exchange, shows your ability to adapt to different learning and living environments and should be listed and described as part of our CV. The same holds for professional experience that may show your ability to work in a computer science context. Training courses or extensive experience that shows deep understanding of computer science concepts may be taken into account for the required CS credits.
  • Abstracts or short descriptions of projects, both from your degree(s) or professional career (if relevant to IAS). These are rarely mentioned in transcripts and the admission board will only count credits from projects if it is clear that they were chosen from the CS field.

Documents that can be added and might have an effect in individual cases

  • GRE test or other academic tests showing your ability to study in higher education. Such tests are not required but may be taken into account if provided and if they add to the general story of the application.
  • Certificates of contests and competitions can be added if relevant. Please carefully decide whether the certificate can add any additional value to your application.

Documents that should not be added

  • Full module handbooks. If you have to submit contents of modules to make a case for sufficient CS credits, please select the modules in question and provide a concise list to help the admission board to quickly see all necessary information.
  • Certificates that don't add additional information or are not relevant at all. More is not always better since it may show that you are not able to decide what is relevant for the subject and what is not. Select the certificates that best show your abilities.