IAS Contact

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Your IAS contact persons

You can direct your queries via e-mail at any time to: ias-team@informatik.uni-hamburg.de. Please direct all questions considering the application and application requirements, documents, enrolment as well as if you're seeking advice to this e-mail address. And please only use this email-address.

The IAS Team: The IAS Team is part of the Department of Informatics, Universität Hamburg. The IAS Team is responsible for the application process, selection process, program coordination, curriculum, questions about the IAS program, and counseling of students and applicants regarding study plans, and exams amongst others. The IAS Team runs the IAS program and also contains the admission board (a group of professors, post-doctoral researchers, lecturers, academic advisors) who select the candidates. All questions regarding the content of the program, your curriculum, application, website, wiki, and difficulties while studying should be asked to the IAS Team. The IAS program has a special appointed academic advisor, who can be reached via ias-team@informatik.uni-hamburg.de and should be contacted regarding the above. IAS Team is managed by the academic advisor. The IAS study program has a specially appointed academic advisor who is also a lecturer, post-doctoral HRI researcher and first contact for IAS students at the Department of Informatics. The academic advisor is only available for IAS students/applicants.

Program Manager: (do not contact) Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter

Head of Examination Board: (do not contact) Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter

Course Examination Management for enrolled students: Anna Leffler

Course Management for enrolled students: Silke Peters

Special appointed Academic Advisor & Head of Admission & Head of IAS Team & Post-doc Researcher & Lecturer: Dr. Annika Peters (that is the applicant's point of contact)

Study Coordinator for enrolled IAS students Björn Hanssen

Departmental student representative committee for enrolled students: FSR Informatics [in German]

For general queries about student life, central administration, STiNE support, enrolment issues at the Universität Hamburg, please consult the Campus Center