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To apply to Universität Hamburg, you need to have your official degree's documents checked in a "preliminary documentation" procedure (VPD) by uni-assist (University Application Service for International Students). Uni-assist reviews your international certificates and rates them using the database Anabin.

Uni-assist supports international student applicants and German universities in processing applications to study in Germany. Uni-assist's core responsibility is the evaluation of student applications for uni-assist universities.

  • They evaluate if your educational certificates fulfil the general criteria for university studies in Germany.
  • They convert your grades to the German system of grades.
  • They check additional admission criteria set by the universities of your choice, depending on the procedure.
  • They register all data and documents necessary for the universities’ admission procedures.
  • They inform you about your evaluation result.

Conversions from the Central Office for Foreign Education, the Certificate Recognition Offices of the Länder and APS certificates from the Academic Evaluation Centres in China, Vietnam and Mongolia are also accepted. Further and official University of Hamburg wide information can be found on the relevant website of the CampusCenter regarding the recognition of foreign educational qualifications.

You can apply for this conversion via uni-assist.

In general, it is not a problem if your final grade on your BSc certificate is of your university's grading system and not using GPA since you need to provide information on your university's grading system in your application, as mentioned above. However, you can use uni-assist as a way to get your final grade on your BSc certificate calculated into an equivalent German grade of the German grading system, but this is not a must. 

Please include the following document in your application, whether you use one of these services or not:

  • Official document(s) attested by your university containing your grade (can be preliminary) with the minimum and the maximum passing grade of your grading system in numbers.

The IAS admission team, not uni-assist or any other conversion service, decides on your admission.