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On this page, you can read about the general application/enrollment (admission) process and receive information about the type of response you have received: acceptance, rejection, or rejection with a waiting list option.
This page explains the enrollment process if you have received a letter of acceptance. If you have received a rejection or a rejection with a waiting list option, please redirect to this Page: [[Rejection | Rejection & WaitingList]].
'''The enrollement process'''
=What happens after I send my application? Rough timetable=
'''31 March''': After you have submitted your application on STiNE, the IAS selection committee screens your application. If complete and you have succeeded in proving the minimum requirements your application will enter the evaluation process according to the selection criteria. (If not, your application will be rejected and you will receive a letter of rejection from the CampusCenter (central administration), see [[Rejection | Rejection & WaitingList]]. )
For the application process and later enrollment process, it is important that applicants understand the two completely different points of contact at the Universität Hamburg, which you have to interact with at different stages of your application/enrollment/studies.  
'''End of April''': The IAS selection committee finalizes their evaluation. All valid applications are ranked and evaluated. The IAS selection committee sends the ranked list of all eligible applicants and rejected applicants to the CampusCenter (central administration of Universität Hamburg).  
'''Beginning of May'''
The CampusCenter checks and evaluates the list and ultimately decides how many of the top-ranked applicants will receive a letter of acceptance. The IAS selection committee or IAS Team do not have jurisdiction here. Overbooking rates, Hardship cases and Waiting semesters cases are evaluated by the CampusCenter according to University law. This may change the order of who and when an applicant receives a letter of acceptance.
To avoid confusion we like to point out that there are two distinct points of contact of the Universität Hamburg you have to deal with for application and enrollment:
'''Mid-May''' Admission notification (23 May): The Campus Center will publish the results (acceptance, waiting list, rejection) of the current application period in your STiNE account. In case you receive a letter of acceptance - the letter will provide instructions on how and when to enrol. Please also contact the IAS Team asap, so we can send you more information on the study program, onboarding and assist you with any questions you have. Because of the two jurisdictions IAS Team (entire program coordination) & CampusCenter (central administration area) the IAS Team can only estimate who receives what letter when.  For every other letter please read: [[Rejection | Rejection & WaitingList]].
1. '''The IAS Team''': The IAS Team is part of the Department of Informatics, Universität Hamburg. Amongst other things, the IAS Team + academic advisor is responsible for the application process, selection process, program coordination, curriculum, questions about the IAS program, counseling of students and applicants regarding study plans, and exams. The IAS Team runs the IAS program and also contains the selection committee (a group of professors, post-doctoral researchers, lecturers, academic advisors) who select the applications. You should direct all questions regarding the content of the program, your curriculum, application, website, wiki, and difficulties while studying to the IAS Team. The IAS program has a special appointed academic advisor, who can be reached via ias-team@informatik.uni-hamburg.de and should be contacted regarding the above. The IAS Team is managed by this academic advisor (Dr. Annika Peters), who also is a researcher and lecturer and works closely with the academic office at the department of informatics but not for.
'''29 May''' Deadline for enrolment.
'''The academic office at the department of informatics for enrolled students''': There is also an academic coordinator for IAS (Björn Hanssen) who you should contact when you have questions regarding e.g. module and exam registrations, recognition of credit points, recognition of german lectures or other lectures, transcript, etc.). They are not involved in the application process and will only become relevant once you start studying at Universität Hamburg [https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/studies/orga/stb.html Contact academic office].
2. '''CampusCenter Team:''' central administration of the entire university. The Team for Application and Admission ("Team Bewerbung und Zulassung TBZ") is located at the Campus Center - Main Campus and part of the central administration (Do not confuse this with the IAS Team and Selection Committee). They are running the online system STiNE, are centrally responsible for all admissions at the university, as well as for processing admissions and handling legal issues. The CampusCenter provides central student documents (student ID card, confirmation documents) and has full control over all formal issues leading to your enrollment. Once you are fully enrolled (paid semester contribution), responsibility is (partly) handed back to the IAS-Team and the academic office at the department of informatics and to your academic advisor who is the contact for all study issues (via ias-team@informatik.uni-hamburg.de). The CampusCenter is responsible for sending your letter of acceptance/rejection/waiting list and the enrollment process. You will need to send your enrollment documents to the CampusCenter once accepted!. Please contact the Campus Center for all questions regarding the official enrollment or confirmation of enrollment for a visa. Contact them via the [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/beratung/info-beratung-online/kontaktformular-campus-center.html CampusCenter]
As a rule of thumb - always contact the IAS Team first: ias-team@informatic.uni-hamburg.de
=What happens after I send my application? Dates (may change due to coronavirus pandemic) (last update 11 June 2020) =
'''31 March 2020:''' You have sent your application to the IAS Team at the Department of Informatics before the 31 of March. The IAS Team evaluates (''only complete'') applications. Everybody else will receive a letter of rejection. Even in coronavirus pandemic times, there is no reconsideration. The number of complete applications exceeded the number of places available 15 times.
'''22 May''', the IAS Team sends a list ranking all eligible applicants to the CampusCenter Team (the central administration of Universität Hamburg).
Once the ranking is done, the admission process is happening at the CampusCenter until you are fully enrolled. This also means that we at the department of informatics have no access to the admission process in detail and only receive the final list of enrolled students shortly before the start of the semester! Please tell the IAS-Team@informatik.uni-hamburg.de as soon as you have received a letter of acceptance and when you have enrolled yourself in order for you to receive all informational emails regarding the start of your study. The IAS Team will stay in contact with the accepted students after application to ease the transition into your new study program in October/November. The IAS-Team with the academic advisors manages the IAS study program. In general, you should always contact the IAS Team (and your academic advisor) first or in cc: IAS Team's contact: ias-team@informatik.uni-hamburg.de.
'''Admission Notifications:'''
'''11 June 2020 due to the pandemic:''' The Campus Center will publish the results (acceptance, waiting list, rejection) of the current application period in your STiNE account. The CampusCenter Team decides how many of the top-ranked students receive a letter of acceptance (around 20) and provides instruction on how to enroll. Everybody else receives either a waiting list notification or rejection (missing formal requirements or incomplete application). Please note, 15 May was the "old=without corona" notification date. (See below paragraphs on Acceptance / Waiting List / Rejection for more information).
'''25th June! usually 1-2 weeks after notification:''' For enrollment, the accepted applicants have to follow the procedure stated in their letter of acceptance. (The letter of acceptance will state what to do and until when - this is the most up-to-date information.) 2020 seems to be possible electronically!. Check your letter!
After sending the enrollment documents and certified copies of your certificates, the accepted applicants are enrolled and for sure a student of the Universität Hamburg. Congratulations.
The CampusCenter may not send any acknowledgment for receiving your documents (especially if you have send documents via postal mail). If you need an acknowledgment, you need to request it via CampusCenter contact form.
Once enrolled, your place for the Master International Adaptive Systems is secured until the semester starts even though you might not have received any preliminary semester documents. Please read the paragraph about Health insurance.
By '''30 September''' (maybe later or earlier due to the coronavirus pandemic) the CampusCenter will have sent an email with your new student STiNE login, preliminary semester documents, and demand for payment of your semester contribution. After you have paid you will receive your full semester documents (at that point you will have arrived in Germany and at Universität Hamburg, probably will have started studying). Sending the preliminary documents that late is an administrative decision of the central administration (CampusCenter) at the Universität Hamburg. Sorry. Sometimes they are really late in September (2020 might be even later) with sending this one email with preliminary documents. ''Do not worry'' and if you need an acknowledgment of preliminary enrolment for assurance/visa/bank account please request it, [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/beratung/info-beratung-online/kontaktformular-campus-center.html CampusCenter Contact Form]. Please also tell the IAS-Team if you have any worries regarding enrollment.
'''Arriving in Hamburg:'''
'''Mid of October: ''' The last two weeks in October are welcome/orientation weeks (date not fixed due to coronavirus pandemic). Please attend.
'''Semster starts 2 November 2020'''
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the winter semester will start late - 2 November 2020. At the moment everything is planned for in-class lectures with everybody present. The Universität Hamburg has not made any more decisions so far. All accepted students who have confirmed their acceptance and enrollment plans with the IAS Team will receive updates via mail asap.
Please note, due to the coronavirus pandemic some dates will change or are not fixed yet - nobody knows how the coronavirus pandemic will develop in autumn. The IAS-Team will notify accepted applicants via email (if they have told the IAS-Team that they are accepted). The central administration manages (only!) the notification whether you are accepted/rejected/put on the waiting list and the formal enrollment. That means please notify the ''IAS-Team@informatik.uni-hamburg.de'' when you receive a letter of acceptance right away - so we can inform you about how/when the winter semester starts for the new batch.
=I have received a letter of acceptance ("Zulassungsbescheid")=
=I have received a letter of acceptance ("Zulassungsbescheid")=
Congratulations! You are one of the top 20 of a very long list of applicants. The letter of acceptance is very precious for a lot of applicants. The letter of acceptance should tell you how and when you need to enroll yourself. Usually, within 2 weeks after you have received the letter of acceptance, you need to send the matriculation form and officially attested/certified documents to the CampusCenter. Some help for the '''matricualtion form''' is provided here: see the [[FAQ:Matriculation Form | matriculation form page]]. The enrollment is managed by the central administration's CampusCenter Team Application and Admission who manages all enrollments of the entire Universität Hamburg.
Congratulations! You are one of the top 20 of a very long list of applicants. The letter of acceptance is precious for many applicants. The central administration (CampusCenter) manages the enrolment process for the entire Universität Hamburg. Please ask the CampusCenter regarding questions on how to enrol - contact should be stated on your letter of acceptance. If not use the [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/beratung/info-beratung-online/kontaktformular-campus-center.html CampusCenter Contact Form]. Please tell also the IAS Team if you have any questions addressed to the CampusCenter (we are interested in updating the wiki). Here is a rather outdated help of the offline '''matriculation form''' : [[Matriculation Form | Help for the Enrollment Form]].  
If you are NOT planning to take the place PLEASE waive the acceptance officially - only when you do so before the semester starts another applicant will be notified. * [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/bewerbung/bachelor-staatsexamen/zulassung-einschreibung/verzicht.html Free your place for somebody on the waiting list]
==Enrollment Deadline==
'''Usually 1 week after notification (~29 May):''' For enrollment, the accepted applicants have to follow the procedure stated in their letter of acceptance (that is always the most up-to-date information). Check your letter! It is always a good idea to emphasise that you are an international student while enrolling - check your international address.  
After completing the enrollment form and fulfilling the points of the instructions - you are enrolled. Congratulation!
==I have already sent certified/attested copies for application, do I have to send them again for matriculation?==
==FAQ for newly enrolled students==
Until 2019 yes. 2020 seems to be different. Please follow the instructions stated in the letter of acceptance. You have to understand that the "IAS Team (+selection committee)" at the Department of Informatics is the place where you sent your application. The University’s Team at the CampusCenter ("Team for Application and Admission, Ger: ''Team Bewerbung und Zulassung'') is the place where you send your matriculation = central administration of the entire Universität Hamburg. They are two different institutions spread across Hamburg.
Here the IAS Team has collected some questions that you may wonder about:  
In case you are experiencing any problems sending attested/original documents in the given period of time (2 weeks), then please contact both teams together in one email.
===Acknowledgement of enrollment===
The CampusCenter usually sends an (automatic) acknowledgment for receiving your enrolment documents (at least for online enrollment). If you need a special acknowledgment for your '''visa''', you need to request it via the [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/beratung/info-beratung-online/kontaktformular-campus-center.html CampusCenter Contact Form].
Once enrolled, your place for the Master International Adaptive Systems is secured until the semester starts, even though you might not have received any preliminary semester documents and have not paid the semester contribution. Please read the paragraph about Health insurance and semester contribution.
Please check whether your letter application states this:
===Rough schedule after enrollment===
'''End of August - end of September''', the CampusCenter will send you an email with your student STiNE login, preliminary semester documents and only then will demand the payment of your semester contribution. After you have paid, you will receive your complete semester documents, new STiNE student login & tans.
At this point, you may have arrived in Hamburg and probably will have started studying. Sending the preliminary documents this late is an administrative decision of the central administration (CampusCenter) at Universität Hamburg. Sorry. Sometimes they send the email with preliminary documents only very late in September. ''Do not worry''. If you need an acknowledgement of preliminary enrollment for assurance/visa/bank account, please request it, [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/beratung/info-beratung-online/kontaktformular-campus-center.html CampusCenter Contact Form].
To enroll, you will first need to accept the university place. Pursuant to Section 25 subsection 1 no. 1–3 of the University    Admission Bylaws (UniZS), you must meet the following requirements:
Please also tell the IAS-Team in cc if you have any worries/questions regarding enrollment.  
1. Carefully complete the following form: www.uni-hamburg.de/online-enrollment
'''Late September - first weeks of October: ''' There are a [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/piasta/veranstaltungen/piasta-welcome.html
Submit this form and attach all of the supporting documents detailed in the checklist www.uni-hamburg.de/checklistmasterinternational
general international welcome week organised by PIASTA] and an IAS specific orientation week to help you settle in, receive computer science logins and understand the process of booking courses. Please attend. Orientation/Introductory courses for IAS start usually in the second week of October shortly before the lecture period starts (see onboarding emails regarding IAS Orientation oe-ias@informatik ... in July/August).
2. Universität Hamburg must receive your complete enrollment application by Juni 25, 2020. This deadline is final; no extensions  can be granted.
If you fail to meet any of these requirements, your application will become invalid and you will no longer be able to enroll.
'''Lecture start mid-October'''
Check the [https://www.master-intelligent-adaptive-systems.com IAS Website] & the [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/studienorganisation/studienverlauf/semestertermine.html universities main page] whether there are changes regarding the lecture start and the way of teaching (digital / in-class). The last 2 semesters have been taught in digital form. Unfortunately, the University makes this decision on short notice.  
If yes follow these instructions and follow these links: they should lead you to the online procedure. Please check with the campus center if you need to send anything via postal mail in 2020.
===I do not have German health insurance! What do I have to do?===
You can ''' only''' get German health insurance once you have a valid address in Germany. The Campus Center Team for Application and Admission is aware of this problem for international students. As long as you have provided an address outside Germany in your enrollment documents, you only need to confirm German health insurance once you are in Germany and have accommodation. It is always a good idea to state in the enrollment form that you are an international student from outside Europe/Germany (if the online form lets you). The CampusCenter advises international students to provide their health insurance at the latest in mid-October.  
==I do not have German health insurance! What do I have to do?==
Please check the official information here: [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/bewerbung/bachelor-staatsexamen/zulassung-einschreibung/krankenversicherung Info of Universität Hamburg] and [https://www.hamburg.com/welcome/career-profession/study/11872998/health-insurance/ General Info of the city of Hamburg]. If you are over 30 years old, please also read the section about 30 years and older: [https://www.hamburg.com/welcome/career-profession/study/11872998/health-insurance/ Info of the city of Hamburg] :
You can '''only''' get German health insurance once you have a valid address in Germany. The Campus Center Team for Application and Admission is aware of this problem and you can provide the confirmation once you are in Germany and have accommodation. Please attach a note to your enrollment/matriculation form, saying that you are an international student from outside Europe.
Please check the official information here: [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/bewerbung/bachelor-staatsexamen/zulassung-einschreibung/krankenversicherung Info of Universität Hamburg ] and [https://www.hamburg.com/welcome/career-profession/study/11872998/health-insurance/ Info of the city of Hamburg].
Travel health insurance does ''not'' provide sufficient coverage for the duration of studies in Germany.
Please note "travel health insurance" does ''not'' provide sufficient coverage for the duration of studies in Germany.
Please see the FAQ section on [[FAQ:Main|health insurance]].
Please see the FAQ section on [[FAQ:Main|health insurance]].
== Where do I have to send the matriculation (enrollment) documents? ==
If the next semester classes are in digital form - you do not need German health insurance if you are not in Germany.
The address is given on the top-right hand side of the first page of the letter of acceptance.
=== Where do I have to send the matriculation (enrollment) documents? ===
The letter of acceptance contains instructions on how to enroll. Enrollment is online. You will have to upload some documents and after enrollment completion, your study place is reserved for you.
==How to waive your place (after enrollment)==
===How to waive your place (after enrollment)===
In case you are one of the 20 lucky students who receive a letter of acceptance in mid of May (11 June 2020!), enrolled yourself, then decided you do not want to start studying the IAS Master please fill in this form as early as possible:
In case you are one of the 20 fortunate students receiving a letter of acceptance and have enrolled yourself but decided you do not want to start studying the IAS Master, please fill in this form as early as possible:
Please be a fair player, otherwise, nobody will be contacted on the waiting list and the place will be lost. For sure, nobody will be contacted when the semester has started.  
Please be a fair player; otherwise, people on the waiting list won't be contacted, and the place will be lost. Nobody will be contacted once the semester has started.  
* [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/bewerbung/bachelor-staatsexamen/zulassung-einschreibung/verzicht.html Free your accepted place for somebody on the waiting list]
* [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/bewerbung/bachelor-staatsexamen/zulassung-einschreibung/verzicht.html Free your accepted place for somebody on the waiting list]
=I have received a (rejection) notification and have been put on the waiting list ("Ablehnungsbescheid")=
===I have visa problems ===
Use this [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/beratung/info-beratung-online/kontaktformular-campus-center.html contact form] of the CampusCenter for requesting visa help (official documents etc.).
If you have received a German-only letter, you can find a translation [[FAQ:Translation:WaitingListLetter|here]].  
Please note that you need to provide detailed personal information (name, program, enrolled, country, problem, application nr, student number) and ask precise questions. The CampusCenter does not have the time to write 100 emails asking for info step by step. If your visa matter is time relevant, please emphasize that in your request.
==What does this waiting list letter mean?==
If nobody answers within 48h or you have a timely pressing matter, please check again that you have stated the importance and provided all information necessary.  
You have fulfilled the application requirements and your application was ranked by the selection committee. Unfortunately, your rank was outside the range of available spaces and you have been put on the waiting list for this year. The Team for Application and Admission will send out offers until the available spaces have been filled. If people first accept the offer and later retract their enrollment, it can happen that you even receive an offer letter shortly before the start of the semester (in which case we usually can find special arrangements to allow for enough time). The first wave of letters already includes a considerable amount of overbooking to shorten the time until all spaces could be filled. That also means that only if the number of enrolled students decreases to 19 - the next on the waiting list is notified. This depends on the fairness of the accepted students of each batch. The waiting list letter also contains the numbers of how far up/down you are on the waiting list. In 2019 nobody was contacted on the waiting list.  
Please keep the IAS Team informed - we may have direct contact for very important cases  [https://www.master-intelligent-adaptive-systems.com/contact/ You can find the IAS Team contact information here].
==How does the waiting list work?==
=== Postponing the start of your studies once enrolled ===
At the beginning of the admission process (11 June 2020), a number of applicants receive a letter of acceptance. This number is calculated by the number of available spaces (so far 20 each year) plus a percentage for overbooking. If fewer students reply than there are available spaces, more offer letters are sent out to the next applicants of the waiting list until all 20 spaces are filled. This means that if you are high up on the waiting list, you may receive a letter of acceptance a few weeks after the official publication date of the results. Please check your STiNE online account on a regular basis for a new letter in "Documents"!
In general, the IAS program commences once a year in the winter semester - you should start studying in October the year you have applied - in general, there is no "postponing" possible.  
This really depends on the fairness of the accepted students.
==Is the waiting list carried over to next year?==
If you want to '''start in the next year's winter semester''', you need to waive your place and apply again without any better chances than any other application of the new application period.
No, the waiting list is not carried over to the next application period. Once the admission process has finished (i.e. all spaces are successfully filled), the waiting list is reset. If you would like to reapply please ask the IAS Team for advice and please check the requirements close to the application period (February-March). They will change each year. Usually, if you have been ranked and received a number higher than 30 on the waiting list means that you will most properly do not have a chance the next year either (with the same application).  
=I have received a rejection notification on formal grounds ("Ablehnungsbescheid")=
= Statistics 2024 =
Short statistics: There were 551 applications and only 20 open spaces to be filled. Therefore, the requirements for applying are strict with no exception. We received applications from 50 nations for 20 spaces. The Top 30 included 19 nations, 40% women, 50% men, and 10% diverse.
If you have received a German-only letter, you can find a translation [[Translation:Rejection Letter|here]].
= Waiving your enrollment (free your place for somebody else) =
==What does this rejection letter mean?==
If you have enrolled yourself and '''you do not want to start studying''', PLEASE waive the enrollment officially - only when you do so before the semester starts. The CampusCenter can notify another applicant on the waiting list.  
You receive this letter if the selection committee has decided that you don't fulfill one or more of the requirements. This usually is due to missing credits from the field of computer science, insufficient language proficiency, or incomplete applications due to missing documents. Your application has therefore not been ranked and had to be rejected on formal grounds. Even in 2020 the number of complete applications exceeded the number of available places by 15 times. That means there were no exceptions made due to the coronavirus pandemic. The formal requirements were strictly enforced as mentioned on the IAS Website and this wiki. There is no reconsideration possible.
===My application was rejected due to missing credits from computer science but I surely have enough?===
* Use this form: [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/bewerbung/bachelor-staatsexamen/zulassung-einschreibung/verzicht.html Free your place for somebody on the waiting list]
As mentioned in the [[Application:Formal requirements|formal requirements]] the selection committee carefully checks all submitted evidence for credits in computer science. Check the formal requirement page's specifics on which courses will be and will not be counted as computer science core courses. Since there are many more applications than available spaces, the selection committee is very strict with this requirement. The relatedness of your degree to the standard BSc Informatik here in Hamburg is part of the selection criteria, so even a degree close to the boundary of 60 ECTS will receive a less favorable ranking since the 60 ECTS are the minimum. Even though the self-made table may help in understanding your transcript and courses, putting in various courses does not guarantee that they are accepted as core computer science courses.  Please consult the [[Application:Formal requirements| formal requirements]].
===My application was rejected due to language proficiency?===
* Contact the IAS Team asap
All applicants receive a formal rejection who did not provide valid proof of their English language proficiency. Please consult the [[Application:Formal requirements| formal requirements]] page on language proficiency for detailed information.
=Points of contact=
* who have handed in a listed English language certificate which is below the required mark receive a reject.
* who did not hand in any English Language Certificate and did not describe and provide proof in an extra letter/document their Englisch language proficiency (native speakers) will be rejected
* who were not able to complete their Englisch Language certificate due to the coronavirus pandemic receive a reject (Sorry - there are too many complete applications)
* who provided an additional letter but had only a "medium of instruction" or "high school English" as proof of the English language proficiency are rejected
* who handed in alternative English Proficiency tests which are not listed are rejected, e.g. University entry tests.
* who handed in screenshots of English Proficiency tests displaying preliminary results of any language proficiency test.
*who tried to fulfill the requirement through alternative means will often be rejected on these grounds if the selection committee does not see enough evidence for language proficiency on the required level.
To avoid confusion, we would like to explain the two distinct points of contact at the Universität Hamburg that you have to communicate with for the application, enrollment process and onboarding process:
Please consult the [[Application:Formal requirements| formal requirements]] page on language proficiency for detailed information and acceptable alternative proofs.
1. '''Your first point of contact is the IAS Team.''' The IAS Team is part of the '''Department of Informatics''', Universität Hamburg. The IAS Team and academic advisor are responsible for the application process, selection process, program coordination, program curriculum, questions about the IAS program, counselling of students and applicants regarding study plans and exams. The IAS Team runs the IAS program and contains the selection committee (a group of professors, post-doctoral researchers, lecturers, academic advisors) who select the applications. Please direct all questions regarding the program's content, curriculum, application, website, wiki, and difficulties while studying to the IAS Team. The academic advisor manages the IAS Team. The academic advisor is a researcher and lecturer who cooperates closely with the academic office at the informatics department. Please keep in mind that their main tasks are research and teaching - not administrative when contacting the IAS Team. [https://www.master-intelligent-adaptive-systems.com/contact/ Contact the IAS Team]
===My application was rejected due to missing documents===
'''The academic office at the department of informatics for enrolled students''': You should contact the academic coordinator for IAS Björn Hanssen when you have questions regarding module and exam registrations, recognition of credit points, recognition of German lectures or other lectures, transcript, etc.). They are not involved in the application process and will only become relevant once you start studying at Universität Hamburg. [https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/studies/orga/stb.html Contact academic office].
As mentioned on the [[Application:Required documents|required documents]] page, you have sent all required documents in due time. The deadline is on the 31 March. Faxes, e-mails and postal mail are not accepted with additional documents after this deadline (even in coronavirus times). The IAS selection committee does not inform you of missing documents or late applications or corrupted pdfs or empty pages of your application pdf. Your application is considered incomplete if one or more of the required documents are not received before the deadline (via postal mail / email to ias-team@informatik.uni-hamburg.de) and/or if your STiNE online application form is not submitted online, or your application pdf was not readable. As a result, your application will not take part in the selection process. You can not submit missing documents after the expiration of the application deadline, there will be no reconsideration.
===What can I do if I think the given reason has to be wrong or if I really need to ask a question?===
First of all: Please always state, your full name, the application number, and which letter you have received, be friendly and patient. Other emails will not be answered at all. Please note, you have received the official information (letter) already by the central administration (CampusCenter).
The selection committee carefully reviews each application - at least 3 independent reviewers. Applications close to the required mark in the language certificate or close to 60 ECTS have been triple checked by the selection committee by the time you received the rejection.
2. '''CampusCenter Team:''' The CampusCenter Team is part of the '''central administration''' of the entire university. The Team for Application and Admission ("Team Bewerbung und Zulassung TBZ") is located at the Campus Center (Main Campus) and part of the central administration (Do not confuse this with the IAS Team and Selection Committee). They are running the online system STiNE, are centrally responsible for processing admissions and handling legal issues for the approximately 44000 students at UHH. The Campus Center provides student documents (student ID card, confirmation documents). It has full control over all formal issues leading to your enrollment (after the Selection Committee of the IAS Team reviewed and ranked your application). Once you are fully enrolled (paid semester contribution), responsibility is partly handed back to the IAS-Team and the academic office at the informatics department; and to your academic advisor, who is the contact for all study issues. The Campus Center is responsible for sending your letter of acceptance/rejection/waiting list and the enrollment process. You will need to send your enrollment documents to the Campus Center once you are accepted!. Please contact the Campus Center for all questions regarding the official enrollment or confirmation of enrollment for a visa. Contact them via the [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/campuscenter/beratung/info-beratung-online/kontaktformular-campus-center.html Campus Center].
This is also true for rejections on the ground of missing documents - there is really nothing the selection committee or anybody can do for you.
You may ask the IAS Team/Selection Committee for explanation and/or look in your case again and/or for statistics - please do so friendly - stating your full name, the application number, and your question: ias-team@informatik.uni-hamburg.de (Please be patient, it is not the IAS Teams main task answering emails of rejected students, but you will get an answer eventually). Please do not get your hopes up - the decision has been made. You may reapply next year if your ranking ist 78% or higher (Please ask the selection committee whether they would advise that.)
Short statistics:
Usually, there are more than 400 applications and only 20 open spaces to be filled therefore the requirements for applying are strict with no exception. Even in the coronavirus times, the application number has been >300.
=Statistics 2020 (available 11 June 2020)=
As a rule of thumb - always contact the IAS Team first: [https://www.master-intelligent-adaptive-systems.com/contact/ How to contact the IAS Team]

Latest revision as of 13:33, 26 April 2024

This page explains the enrollment process if you have received a letter of acceptance. If you have received a rejection or a rejection with a waiting list option, please redirect to this Page: Rejection & WaitingList.

What happens after I send my application? Rough timetable

31 March: After you have submitted your application on STiNE, the IAS selection committee screens your application. If complete and you have succeeded in proving the minimum requirements your application will enter the evaluation process according to the selection criteria. (If not, your application will be rejected and you will receive a letter of rejection from the CampusCenter (central administration), see Rejection & WaitingList. )

End of April: The IAS selection committee finalizes their evaluation. All valid applications are ranked and evaluated. The IAS selection committee sends the ranked list of all eligible applicants and rejected applicants to the CampusCenter (central administration of Universität Hamburg).

Beginning of May The CampusCenter checks and evaluates the list and ultimately decides how many of the top-ranked applicants will receive a letter of acceptance. The IAS selection committee or IAS Team do not have jurisdiction here. Overbooking rates, Hardship cases and Waiting semesters cases are evaluated by the CampusCenter according to University law. This may change the order of who and when an applicant receives a letter of acceptance.

Mid-May Admission notification (23 May): The Campus Center will publish the results (acceptance, waiting list, rejection) of the current application period in your STiNE account. In case you receive a letter of acceptance - the letter will provide instructions on how and when to enrol. Please also contact the IAS Team asap, so we can send you more information on the study program, onboarding and assist you with any questions you have. Because of the two jurisdictions IAS Team (entire program coordination) & CampusCenter (central administration area) the IAS Team can only estimate who receives what letter when. For every other letter please read: Rejection & WaitingList.

29 May Deadline for enrolment.

I have received a letter of acceptance ("Zulassungsbescheid")

Congratulations! You are one of the top 20 of a very long list of applicants. The letter of acceptance is precious for many applicants. The central administration (CampusCenter) manages the enrolment process for the entire Universität Hamburg. Please ask the CampusCenter regarding questions on how to enrol - contact should be stated on your letter of acceptance. If not use the CampusCenter Contact Form. Please tell also the IAS Team if you have any questions addressed to the CampusCenter (we are interested in updating the wiki). Here is a rather outdated help of the offline matriculation form : Help for the Enrollment Form.

Enrollment Deadline

Usually 1 week after notification (~29 May): For enrollment, the accepted applicants have to follow the procedure stated in their letter of acceptance (that is always the most up-to-date information). Check your letter! It is always a good idea to emphasise that you are an international student while enrolling - check your international address. After completing the enrollment form and fulfilling the points of the instructions - you are enrolled. Congratulation!

FAQ for newly enrolled students

Here the IAS Team has collected some questions that you may wonder about:

Acknowledgement of enrollment

The CampusCenter usually sends an (automatic) acknowledgment for receiving your enrolment documents (at least for online enrollment). If you need a special acknowledgment for your visa, you need to request it via the CampusCenter Contact Form. Once enrolled, your place for the Master International Adaptive Systems is secured until the semester starts, even though you might not have received any preliminary semester documents and have not paid the semester contribution. Please read the paragraph about Health insurance and semester contribution.

Rough schedule after enrollment

End of August - end of September, the CampusCenter will send you an email with your student STiNE login, preliminary semester documents and only then will demand the payment of your semester contribution. After you have paid, you will receive your complete semester documents, new STiNE student login & tans. At this point, you may have arrived in Hamburg and probably will have started studying. Sending the preliminary documents this late is an administrative decision of the central administration (CampusCenter) at Universität Hamburg. Sorry. Sometimes they send the email with preliminary documents only very late in September. Do not worry. If you need an acknowledgement of preliminary enrollment for assurance/visa/bank account, please request it, CampusCenter Contact Form.

Please also tell the IAS-Team in cc if you have any worries/questions regarding enrollment.

Late September - first weeks of October: There are a [https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/piasta/veranstaltungen/piasta-welcome.html general international welcome week organised by PIASTA] and an IAS specific orientation week to help you settle in, receive computer science logins and understand the process of booking courses. Please attend. Orientation/Introductory courses for IAS start usually in the second week of October shortly before the lecture period starts (see onboarding emails regarding IAS Orientation oe-ias@informatik ... in July/August).

Lecture start mid-October Check the IAS Website & the universities main page whether there are changes regarding the lecture start and the way of teaching (digital / in-class). The last 2 semesters have been taught in digital form. Unfortunately, the University makes this decision on short notice.

I do not have German health insurance! What do I have to do?

You can only get German health insurance once you have a valid address in Germany. The Campus Center Team for Application and Admission is aware of this problem for international students. As long as you have provided an address outside Germany in your enrollment documents, you only need to confirm German health insurance once you are in Germany and have accommodation. It is always a good idea to state in the enrollment form that you are an international student from outside Europe/Germany (if the online form lets you). The CampusCenter advises international students to provide their health insurance at the latest in mid-October.

Please check the official information here: Info of Universität Hamburg and General Info of the city of Hamburg. If you are over 30 years old, please also read the section about 30 years and older: Info of the city of Hamburg :

Please note "travel health insurance" does not provide sufficient coverage for the duration of studies in Germany.

Please see the FAQ section on health insurance.

If the next semester classes are in digital form - you do not need German health insurance if you are not in Germany.

Where do I have to send the matriculation (enrollment) documents?

The letter of acceptance contains instructions on how to enroll. Enrollment is online. You will have to upload some documents and after enrollment completion, your study place is reserved for you.

How to waive your place (after enrollment)

In case you are one of the 20 fortunate students receiving a letter of acceptance and have enrolled yourself but decided you do not want to start studying the IAS Master, please fill in this form as early as possible: Please be a fair player; otherwise, people on the waiting list won't be contacted, and the place will be lost. Nobody will be contacted once the semester has started.

I have visa problems

Use this contact form of the CampusCenter for requesting visa help (official documents etc.).

Please note that you need to provide detailed personal information (name, program, enrolled, country, problem, application nr, student number) and ask precise questions. The CampusCenter does not have the time to write 100 emails asking for info step by step. If your visa matter is time relevant, please emphasize that in your request.

If nobody answers within 48h or you have a timely pressing matter, please check again that you have stated the importance and provided all information necessary. Please keep the IAS Team informed - we may have direct contact for very important cases You can find the IAS Team contact information here.

Postponing the start of your studies once enrolled

In general, the IAS program commences once a year in the winter semester - you should start studying in October the year you have applied - in general, there is no "postponing" possible.

If you want to start in the next year's winter semester, you need to waive your place and apply again without any better chances than any other application of the new application period.

Statistics 2024

Short statistics: There were 551 applications and only 20 open spaces to be filled. Therefore, the requirements for applying are strict with no exception. We received applications from 50 nations for 20 spaces. The Top 30 included 19 nations, 40% women, 50% men, and 10% diverse.

Waiving your enrollment (free your place for somebody else)

If you have enrolled yourself and you do not want to start studying, PLEASE waive the enrollment officially - only when you do so before the semester starts. The CampusCenter can notify another applicant on the waiting list.

  • Contact the IAS Team asap

Points of contact

To avoid confusion, we would like to explain the two distinct points of contact at the Universität Hamburg that you have to communicate with for the application, enrollment process and onboarding process:

1. Your first point of contact is the IAS Team. The IAS Team is part of the Department of Informatics, Universität Hamburg. The IAS Team and academic advisor are responsible for the application process, selection process, program coordination, program curriculum, questions about the IAS program, counselling of students and applicants regarding study plans and exams. The IAS Team runs the IAS program and contains the selection committee (a group of professors, post-doctoral researchers, lecturers, academic advisors) who select the applications. Please direct all questions regarding the program's content, curriculum, application, website, wiki, and difficulties while studying to the IAS Team. The academic advisor manages the IAS Team. The academic advisor is a researcher and lecturer who cooperates closely with the academic office at the informatics department. Please keep in mind that their main tasks are research and teaching - not administrative when contacting the IAS Team. Contact the IAS Team

The academic office at the department of informatics for enrolled students: You should contact the academic coordinator for IAS Björn Hanssen when you have questions regarding module and exam registrations, recognition of credit points, recognition of German lectures or other lectures, transcript, etc.). They are not involved in the application process and will only become relevant once you start studying at Universität Hamburg. Contact academic office.

2. CampusCenter Team: The CampusCenter Team is part of the central administration of the entire university. The Team for Application and Admission ("Team Bewerbung und Zulassung TBZ") is located at the Campus Center (Main Campus) and part of the central administration (Do not confuse this with the IAS Team and Selection Committee). They are running the online system STiNE, are centrally responsible for processing admissions and handling legal issues for the approximately 44000 students at UHH. The Campus Center provides student documents (student ID card, confirmation documents). It has full control over all formal issues leading to your enrollment (after the Selection Committee of the IAS Team reviewed and ranked your application). Once you are fully enrolled (paid semester contribution), responsibility is partly handed back to the IAS-Team and the academic office at the informatics department; and to your academic advisor, who is the contact for all study issues. The Campus Center is responsible for sending your letter of acceptance/rejection/waiting list and the enrollment process. You will need to send your enrollment documents to the Campus Center once you are accepted!. Please contact the Campus Center for all questions regarding the official enrollment or confirmation of enrollment for a visa. Contact them via the Campus Center.

As a rule of thumb - always contact the IAS Team first: How to contact the IAS Team