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〉 Lawrence Cabac > Quellen
QuellenStudienarbeit: Netz-Komponenten für Mulan-ProtokolleModelling Agent Interaction (ICATPN'03): A Proposal for Structuring Petri Net-Based Agent Interaction Protocols Generation of Mulan Protocol Skeletons (AWPN'03) Diplomarbeitarbeit: Modeling Agent Interaction Protocols with AUML Diagrams and Petri Nets Formal Semantics for AUML Agent Interaction Protocol Diagrams (AOSE'04) For publications after 2004 please check out the bibliography. 2004
Formal Semantics for AUML Agent Interaction Protocol DiagramsBy providing a translation into Petri net skeletons the semantics of AUML Agent Interaction Protocol Diagrams can be defined.Together with: Daniel Moldt for the AOSE workshop at the aamas2004 AbstractIn this paper we introduce an approach for defining semantics for AUML agent interaction protocol diagrams using Petri net code structures. This approach is based on the usage of net components which provide basic tasks and the structure for Petri Nets. Agent interaction protocol diagrams are used to model agent conversations on an abstract level. By mapping elements of the diagrams to net components we are able to translate the diagrams into Petri nets, i.e to generate code structures from the drawings. We provide tool support for this approach by combining a tool for net components with a tool for drawing agent interaction protocol diagrams. This combined tool is available as a plug-in for Renew (Reference Net Workshop).
Bibtex:@InProceedings{cabac04:formal_semantics_for_AIP, author = {Lawrence Cabac and Daniel Moldt}, title = {Formal Semantics for AUML Agent Interaction Protocol Diagrams}, booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Agent-oriented Software Engineering, New York, July 2004}, year = 2004, abstract = {In this paper we introduce an approach for defining semantics for AUML agent interaction protocol diagrams using Petri net code structures. This approach is based on the usage of net components which provide basic tasks and the structure for Petri Nets. Agent interaction protocol diagrams are used to model agent conversations on an abstract level. By mapping elements of the diagrams to net components we are able to translate the diagrams into Petri nets, i.e to generate code structures from the drawings. We provide tool support for this approach by combining a tool for net components with a tool for drawing agent interaction protocol diagrams. This combined tool is available as a plug-in for Renew (Reference Net Workshop).}, month = {July}, publisher = Springer } 2003
AbstractAgents are autonomous software components that can communicate with other agents. In the software engineering view agents can be regarded as generalizations of objects. Agents have knowledge of their environment, can act proactively and have a certain goal that they want to reach. Several agents that are communicating with each other to follow an individual or common goal are forming a society of agents called a multi-agent system. As a reference architecture Mulan, a Petri net-based agent platform on which multi-agent systems can be build, is introduced. In this work modeling techniques for agent interaction protocols are introduced. These interactions, also called conversations, are modeled with AUML diagrams and Petri nets. In the agent unified modeling language (AUML) some extensions are proposed for sequence diagrams as defined in the unified modeling language (UML). The agent interaction protocol diagrams that are developed in this work, which are used to model conversations, are a variant of these extended sequence diagrams. The aim in using the agent interaction protocol diagrams, which are restricted to certain elements and constellations of elements, is to achieve a modeling technique for Mulan-based agent interaction protocols that is consistent and helps the developers in the development process of Mulan protocols. These protocols, which are Petri nets, are implementations of agent interactions within Mulan. The presented work also introduces a straightforward approach for generation of Petri net code structures from AUML agent interaction protocol diagrams. This approach is based on the usage of net components that provide basic tasks and the structure for the Petri nets. Agent interaction protocol diagrams are used to model agent conversations on an abstract level. By mapping elements of the diagrams to net components, it is possible to generate code structures from the drawings. For this approach tool support is provided by combining net components with a tool for drawing agent interaction protocol diagrams. This combined tool is integrated in Renew (Reference Net Workshop) as a plug-in.
Bibtex (interim by 2003 10 07) :@PhdThesis{cabac03:diplomarbeit, author = {Lawrence Cabac}, title = {Modeling Agent Interaction Protocols with AUML Diagrams and Petri Nets}, school = {University of Hamburg, Department of Computer Science}, address = {Vogt-K\"olln Str. 30, 22527 Ham\-burg, Germany}, year = 2003, month = dec, type = {Diplomarbeit} }
Generation of Mulan Protocol Skeletons(Draft)Generation of code is a efficient method to reduce development effort and time. Also for Mulan protocols this solution seems possible, although the common generating procedures have to be adapted to the special demands of multi agent application development as well as Petri net constrains. In fact the interaction-based design must be condsidered. Generating Code Structures for Petri Net-Based Agent Interaction Protocols Using Net Components (gziped postscript,132 kB) for awpn2003 AbstractIn this paper we introduce a straight forward approach for generating Petri Net code structures from AUML agent interaction protocol diagrams. This approach is based on the usage of net components which provide basic tasks and the structure for Petri Nets. agent interaction protocol diagrams are used to model agent conversations %interactions on an abstract level. By mapping elements of the diagrams to net components we are able to generate code structures from the drawings. We provide tool support for this approach by combining a tool for net components with a tool for drawing agent interaction protocol diagrams. This combined tool is integrated into Renew (The Reference Net Workshop).
Bibtex:@Article{cabac03:awpn, author = {Lawrence Cabac}, title = {Generating Code Structures for \mbox{Petri Net-Based} \mbox{Agent Interaction Protocols} Using \mbox{Net Components}}, journal = {Workshop: Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets}, year = 2003, key = {cabac03:awpn}, month = {Sebtember}, note = {In this paper we introduce a straight forward approach for generating Petri Net code structures from AUML agent interaction protocol diagrams. This approach is based on the usage of net components which provide basic tasks and the structure for Petri Nets. agent interaction protocol diagrams are used to model agent conversations on an abstract level. By mapping elements of the diagrams to net components we are able to generate code structures from the drawings. We provide tool support for this approach by combining a tool for net components with a tool for drawing agent interaction protocol diagrams. This combined tool is integrated into Renew (The Reference Net Workshop).} }
Modelling Agent InteractionIn this paper we describe our way to consolidate the design of Petri net-based agent protocols using net components and common software modelling technics using AUML Agent Interaction Protocols.A Proposal for Structuring Petri Net-Based Agent Interaction Protocols (gziped pdf, 223 kB) Together with: Daniel Moldt and Heiko Rölke for icatpn2003 AbstractIn this paper we introduce net components as means for structuring Petri net-based agent interaction protocols. We provide a tool for effortless application of net components to nets. Thus we facilitate the construction of nets and unify their appearance. Net components can be used to derive code for interaction protocols from a subset of extended AUML (Agent Unified Modeling Language) interaction protocol diagrams. This allows for a smooth integration of some traditional software development specification approaches with high-level Petri nets. By using net components we do not only unify the structure of Mulan agent protocols but also succeed to build a common language within a community of developers who share the net components.
Bibtex:@InProceedings{cabac03:_propos_struc_petri_net_based, author = {Lawrence Cabac and Daniel Moldt and Heiko R{\"o}lke}, title = {A Proposal for Structuring Petri Net-Based Agent Interaction Protocols}, booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science: 24th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, Eindhoven, Netherlands, June 2003}, year = 2003, abstract = {In this paper we introduce net components as means to structure Petri net based agent interaction protocols. We provide a tool for easy application of net components to nets. By this we facilitate the construction of nets and unify their look. Net components can be used to derive code for interaction protocols from a subset of extended AUML interaction protocol diagrams. This allows for a smooth integration of some traditional software development specification approaches with high-level Petri nets. By using net components we do not only unify the structure of Mulan agent protocols but also achieve to build a common language within a developers community who share the net components.}, month = {June}, publisher = Springer } 2002
ZusammenfassungBei der Softwareentwicklung sind Strukturierungsprozesse von entscheidender Bedeutung für das Erfassen von komplexen Systemen. Ein Problem ist die Erzeugung einheitlichen Programmcodes, ein weiteres ist das Lesen, Begreifen und Erweitern des bestehenden Codes. Dies gilt auch für das Erstellen von Code auf der Basis von Petrinetzen. Mulan-Protokolle sind solche Netze, die bei der Programmierung agentenorientierter Software innerhalb von Mulan, einem petrinetzbasierten Multiagentensystem, erstellt werden. Um Strukturierung, Vereinheitlichung und Lesbarkeit von Mulan-Protokollen zu gewährleisten, können Netz-Komponenten benutzt werden. Diese vereinfachen nicht nur das Erstellen der Protokolle durch Modularisierung, sondern können auch die Grundlage einer gemeinsamen Sprache einer Entwicklergemeinde bilden und die Verständlichkeit der Netze steigern. Die Elemente einer Netz-Komponenten bilden eine einfache, geometrische und leicht zu identifizierende Form, wodurch die Übersichtlichkeit und die Lesbarkeit der Petrinetze erhöht wird. In dieser Arbeit wird ein spezifisches Konzept von Netz-Komponenten und derren Funktionsweise vorgestellt. Zusätzlich wird anhand einer Beispielimplementation von Netz-Komponenten für Mulan-Protokolle die Funktionsweise der Netz-Komponenten dargestellt. Weiterhin wird die im Laufe dieser Arbeit implementierte Erweiterung von Renew präsentiert, die es ermöglicht Netz-Komponenten komfortabel einzusetzen.
Bibtex:@PhdThesis{cabac02:sa, author = {Lawrence Cabac}, title = {Entwicklung von geometrisch unterscheidbaren Komponenten zur Vereinheitlichung von Mulan-Protokollen}, school = {Universit\"at Hamburg}, year = 2002, type = {Studienarbeit} }
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