Prof. Dr. Valk,
Lansat în 06/1994
Cuvinte cheie:
- 2005
Michael Köhler and Berndt Farwer.
Modelling global and local name spaces for mobile agents using object
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Concurrency,
Specification, and Programming (CS&P 2005). University of Warsaw, 2005.
Berndt Farwer and M. Varea.
Object-based control/data-flow analysis.
Technical Report DSSE-TR-2005-1, ECS, University of Southampton,
Berndt Farwer and M. Varea.
Transforming dual flow nets into object petri nets.
In Proceedings of Concurrency, Specification, and Programming
CS&P'2005, volume 1, pages 112-125. University of Warsaw, 2005.
Berndt Farwer and Simon Kohl.
Object systems with process markings.
In Farwer and Moldt , Object Petri Nets, Processes, and Object Calculi, pages 1-11.
Berndt Farwer and Daniel Moldt, editors.
Object Petri Nets, Processes, and Object Calculi, number
FBI-HH-B-265/05 in Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik, Vogt-Kölln Str.
30, D-22527 Hamburg, August 2005. Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich
- 2004
Rüdiger Valk.
Object Petri Nets - Using the Nets-within-Nets Paradigm.
In Jörg Desel, Wolfgang Reisig, and Grzegorz Rozenberg, editors,
Advances in Petri Nets: Lectures on Concurrency and Petri Nets,
volume 3098 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 819-848.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2004.
- 2003
C. Girault and Rüdiger Valk, editors.
Petri Nets for Systems Engineering: A Guide to Modelling,
Verification, and Applications, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2003.
- (TODO: Valk: essential features of PN)
- (TODO: Valk: intuitive models)
- 2001
Concurrency in Communicating Object Petri Nets ,
to appear in G. Agha, F. de Cindio, G. Rozenberg (eds.):
Advances in Petri Nets, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
32 pages
- 2000
Olaf Kummer.
Undecidability in object-oriented Petri nets.
Petri Net Newsletter, 59:18-23, 2000.
Rüdiger Valk.
Relating different semantics for object Petri nets, formal proofs
and examples.
Technical Report FBI-HH-B-226, University of Hamburg, Department for
Computer Science Report/00, 2000.
- 1999
Rüdiger Valk.
Reference and value semantics for object Petri nets.
In Proceedings of Colloquium on Petri Net Technologies for
Modelling Communication Based Systems, October 21-22, 1999, pages 169-187.
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, ISST, 1999.
- 1998
Rüdiger Valk.
Petri nets as token objects - an introduction to elementary object
In Jörg Desel and Manuel Silva, editors, 19th International
Conference on Application and Theory of Petri nets, Lisbon, Portugal,
number 1420 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1-25, Berlin,
Heidelberg, New York, 1998. Springer-Verlag.
- 1996
Rüdiger Valk.
On processes of object Petri nets.
Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik FBI-HH-B-185/96, Universität
Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik, Vogt-Kölln Str. 30, D-22527 Hamburg,
June 1996.
- 1995
Rüdiger Valk.
Petri nets as dynamical objects.
In Agha and Cindio , Object-Oriented Programming and Models of Concurrency.
Workshop während der ,,16th International Conference on
Application and Theory of Petri Nets``, Turin, Italien, 26.-30. Juni,