Berndt Farwer and Simon Kohl.
Object systems with process markings.
In Farwer and Moldt , Object Petri Nets, Processes, and Object Calculi, pages 1-11.
@InProceedings{Farwer+05e, Author = {Farwer, Berndt and Kohl, Simon}, crossref = {Farwer+-e-05}, Pages = {1--11}, Title = {Object Systems with Process Markings}, Year = 2005 } @Proceedings{Farwer+-e-05, editor = {Farwer, Berndt and Moldt, Daniel}, title = {Object {Petri} Nets, Processes, and Object Calculi}, booktitle = {Object {Petri} Nets, Processes, and Object Calculi}, number = {{FBI-HH-B-265/05}}, series = FBIBericht, publisher = FBIUniHHbis2005, address = FBIUniAdresse, month = aug, year = 2005 }