Stefan Haar
Deutsche Version
- Telephone:
- 040 / 652 55 57
- E-Mail:
- Address:
- Stefan Haar
- Josephstraße 12
- 22041 Hamburg
- Germany
- Position:
- PhD student
- Born:
- August 14, 1965
- Education:
- 1986-92 Mathematics and Philosophy, Hamburg University
- 1989/90 graduate student at Dept. of Mathematical Sciences,
Johns Hopkins University, Balto./MD, USA
- Subject of Master's Thesis:
- "Verzweigungen und invariante Ma\3e fuer eine
Klasse nichtlinearer stochastischer DGL."
- (Bifurcations and invariant measures for a
class of non-linear stochastic DE)
- Degree (Diplom-Mathematiker):
- obtained November 11, 1992
- Subject of Ph.D.Thesis (in progress):
- "Netze, Morphismen und Temporale Relationen"
- (Nets, Morphisms and Temporal Relations)
- Projects/fields of interest:
- Modelling of Chemical Processes by Petri Nets;
- Time structures;
- Philosophy;
- Transclassical Logic;
- Music and Musicology.
[Computer Science]
Margret Freund-Breuer
Mark-Oliver Stehr
Last Change: Aug 8 1996