Plug-ins for release 2.1

These plug-ins are provided under the same license terms as the basic Renew distribution.

Before you can use these plug-ins, you must have a Renew base distribution installed. The download page contains the basic packages.

You can download ...

These jar files are installed by copying the file into the renew2.1/plugins directory. Their functionality is available at the next Renew startup.

The documentation and the source code for these five plug-ins is included in the Renew base distribution.

Reference Net Components

In addition to release 2.1, we also offer a set of net components for reference nets that can be used with the NetComponents plug-in. The standard component set comes as a plug-in of its own (but currently without source code). It is distributed under the same license as Renew itself. In the next Renew release, the standard component plug-in will be included in the official distribution along with its source code.

The installation of this plug-in differs from other plug-ins. First, you need the NetComponents plug-in installed (see above). Second, the contents of the archive provided here has to be extracted into a folder below the renew2.1/plugins directory.

You can download and extract...

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Last modified: Fri Jan 5 11:42:51 2024 +0100 by