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Fundamente Teoretici de Informatică
Petri Nets World
Petri Nets World
David Mosteller
Olaf Kummer
, Frank Wienberg,
Michael Duvigneau
Lawrence Cabac
Michael Haustermann
, and
David Mosteller
Renew - the Reference Net Workshop
, February 2023.
Release 4.1.
Olaf Kummer
, Frank Wienberg,
Michael Duvigneau
Lawrence Cabac
Michael Haustermann
, and
David Mosteller
Renew - User Guide (Release 4.1)
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical Foundations Group, Hamburg, February 2023.
Olaf Kummer
, Frank Wienberg,
Michael Duvigneau
Lawrence Cabac
Michael Haustermann
, and
David Mosteller
Renew - the Reference Net Workshop
, April 2022.
Release 2.6.
Olaf Kummer
, Frank Wienberg,
Michael Duvigneau
Lawrence Cabac
Michael Haustermann
, and
David Mosteller
Renew - User Guide (Release 2.6)
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical Foundations Group, Hamburg, April 2022.
Olaf Kummer
, Frank Wienberg,
Michael Duvigneau
Lawrence Cabac
Michael Haustermann
, and
David Mosteller
Renew - the Reference Net Workshop
, April 2022.
Release 4.0.
Olaf Kummer
, Frank Wienberg,
Michael Duvigneau
Lawrence Cabac
Michael Haustermann
, and
David Mosteller
Renew - User Guide (Release 4.0)
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical Foundations Group, Hamburg, April 2022.
Olaf Kummer
, Frank Wienberg,
Michael Duvigneau
Lawrence Cabac
Michael Haustermann
, and
David Mosteller
Renew - the Reference Net Workshop
, November 2020.
Release 2.5.1.
Olaf Kummer
, Frank Wienberg,
Michael Duvigneau
Lawrence Cabac
Michael Haustermann
, and
David Mosteller
Renew - User Guide (Release 2.5.1)
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical Foundations Group, Hamburg, November 2020.
David Mosteller
Michael Haustermann
Daniel Moldt
, and
Dennis Schmitz
Integrated simulation of domain-specific modeling languages with Petri net-based transformational semantics
T. Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency
Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency XIV
, pages 101-125.
Daniel Moldt
Dennis Schmitz
Michael Haustermann
, Matthias Feldmann,
David Mosteller
Thomas Wagner
, Jan Henrik Röwekamp,
Lawrence Cabac
, and Michael Simon.
Some ideas for modeling a generic IoT- and Edge-Computing architecture
In Lorenz and Metzger ,
Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets, Proceedings of the 21th Workshop AWPN 2018, Augsburg, Germany
, pages 33-40.
David Mosteller
Michael Haustermann
Daniel Moldt
, and
Dennis Schmitz
Graphical simulation feedback in Petri net-based domain-specific languages within a meta-modeling environment
In Moldt et al. ,
Petri Nets and Software Engineering. International Workshop, PNSE'18, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 25-26, 2018. Proceedings
, pages 56-75.
Dennis Schmitz
Daniel Moldt
Michael Haustermann
David Mosteller
, and
Christian Röder
Team coordination based on causal nets with synchronous channels
18th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD 2018, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 27-29, 2018
18th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD 2018, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 27-29, 2018
, pages 60-69.
Pascale Möller,
Michael Haustermann
David Mosteller
, and
Dennis Schmitz
Simulating multiple formalisms concurrently based on reference nets
In Moldt et al. ,
Petri Nets and Software Engineering. International Workshop, PNSE'17, Zaragoza, Spain, June 25-26, 2017. Proceedings
, pages 137-156.
David Mosteller
Michael Haustermann
, and
Daniel Moldt
Prototypical graphical simulation feedback in reference net-based domain-specific languages within a meta-modeling environment
In Bergenthum and Kindler ,
Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets Proceedings of the Workshop AWPN 2017, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark October 19-20, 2017
, pages 58-63.
Olaf Kummer
, Frank Wienberg,
Michael Duvigneau
Lawrence Cabac
Michael Haustermann
, and
David Mosteller
Renew - the Reference Net Workshop
, June 2016.
Release 2.5.
Olaf Kummer
, Frank Wienberg,
Michael Duvigneau
Lawrence Cabac
Michael Haustermann
, and
David Mosteller
Renew - User Guide (Release 2.5)
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical Foundations Group, Hamburg, June 2016.
David Mosteller
Michael Haustermann
Case studies of the Renew meta-modeling and transformation framework
In Cabac et al. ,
Petri Nets and Software Engineering. International Workshop, PNSE'16, Toru\'n, Poland, June 20-21, 2016. Proceedings
, pages 343-344.
Dennis Schmitz
Daniel Moldt
Lawrence Cabac
David Mosteller
, and
Michael Haustermann
Utilizing Petri Nets for Teaching in Practical Courses on Collaborative Software Engineering
16th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD 2016, Torun, Poland, June 19-24, 2016
16th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD 2016, Toru\'n, Poland, June 19-24, 2016
, pages 74-83.
Lawrence Cabac
Michael Haustermann
, and
David Mosteller
Renew - the reference net workshop
In Moldt et al. ,
Petri Nets and Software Engineering. International Workshop, PNSE'15, Brussels, Belgium, June 22-23, 2015. Proceedings
, pages 313-314.
David Mosteller
Lawrence Cabac
, and
Michael Haustermann
Providing Petri net-based semantics in model driven-development for the Renew meta-modeling framework
In Moldt et al. ,
Petri Nets and Software Engineering. International Workshop, PNSE'15, Brussels, Belgium, June 22-23, 2015. Proceedings
, pages 99-114.
Lawrence Cabac
David Mosteller
, and
Matthias Wester-Ebbinghaus
Modeling organizational structures and agent knowledge for Mulan applications
Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency IX (ToPNoC)
, 8910:62-82, 2014.
David Mosteller
Metamodellierung für den PAOSE-Softwareentwicklungsansatz
Masterarbeit, Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik, September 2014.
Lawrence Cabac
David Mosteller
, and
Matthias Wester-Ebbinghaus
A proposal for the modeling of organizational structures and agent knowledge in MAS
In Moldt ,
Modeling and Business Environments MODBE'13, Milano, Italia, June 2013. Proceedings
, pages 295-312.
David Mosteller
Entwicklung eines Werkzeugs zur Modellierung der initialen Wissensbasen und Rollen-Abhängigkeiten in Multiagentenanwendungen im Kontext von PAOSE / MULAN
Bachelorarbeit, Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik, December 2010.
Ultima actualizare: 15:16 05-06-2024