Lawrence Cabac
, Till Dörges
, Michael Duvigneau, and Daniel Moldt.
Requirements and tools for the debugging of multi-agent systems.
In Lars Braubach, Wiebke van der Hoek, Paolo Petta, and Alexander
Pokahr, editors, Multiagent System Technologies. 7th German Conference,
MATES 2009, Hamburg, Germany, September 9-11, 2009. Proceedings, volume 5774
of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 238-247, Berlin,
Heidelberg, New York, September 2009. Springer-Verlag.
Lawrence Cabac
, Till Dörges
, and Heiko Rölke.
A monitoring toolset for Paose.
In Rüdiger Valk and Kees M. van Hee, editors, 29th
International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, Xi'an,
China, volume 5062 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
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Lawrence Cabac
, Lars Michael Kristensen, and Heiko Rölke, editors.
Petri Nets and Software Engineering. International Workshop,
PNSE'16, Torun, Poland, June 20-21, 2016. Proceedings, volume 1591 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings., 2016.