Daniel Moldt, José Quenum, Christine Reese, and Thomas Wagner.
Improving a workflow management system with an agent flavour.
In Duvigneau and Moldt (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering, PNSE'10, Braga, Portugal, pages 55-70.
Kurzfassung: This paper discusses an application of software agents to improve workflow management systems, with a practical emphasis on Petri net-based systems. The properties of agent technology will be used to gain advantages within the workflow management systems on both a conceptual and practical level. In this paper we discuss the theoretical background of our work, the conceptual idea and approach and one possible practical implementation. As a central practical means we use reference nets, a high-level Petri net formalism. These nets are used to model both agents and workflows, which results in a clean and natural integration of both technologies.
@InProceedings{Moldt+10, author = {Moldt, Daniel and Quenum, Jos{\'e} and Reese, Christine and Wagner, Thomas}, authorplain = {Moldt, Daniel and Quenum, Jose and Reese, Christine and Wagner, Thomas}, title = {Improving a Workflow Management System with an Agent Flavour}, crossref = {Duvigneau+-e-10}, pages = {55--70}, year = 2010, keywords = {High-level Petri nets, workflow management systems, multi-agent systems, software architecture}, abstract = {This paper discusses an application of software agents to improve workflow management systems, with a practical emphasis on Petri net-based systems. The properties of agent technology will be used to gain advantages within the workflow management systems on both a conceptual and practical level. In this paper we discuss the theoretical background of our work, the conceptual idea and approach and one possible practical implementation. As a central practical means we use reference nets, a high-level Petri net formalism. These nets are used to model both agents and workflows, which results in a clean and natural integration of both technologies.} } @Proceedings{Duvigneau+-e-10, editor = {Duvigneau, Michael and Moldt, Daniel}, title = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on {Petri} Nets and Software Engineering, PNSE'10, Braga, Portugal}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on {Petri} Nets and Software Engineering, PNSE'10, Braga, Portugal}, number = {FBI-HH-B-294/10}, ISBN = {978-972-8692-55-1}, url = {http://epub.sub.uni-hamburg.de/informatik/volltexte/2010/148/}, series = {Bericht}, urn = {urn:nbn:de:gbv:18-228-7-1488}, publisher = FBIUniHHab2006, address = FBIUniAdresse, month = jun, year = 2010 }
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