Georg Zetzsche.
A note on Hack's Conjecture, Parikh images of matrix languages
and multiset grammars.
Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik FBI-HH-B-289/09, Universität
Hamburg, Department Informatik, Vogt-Kölln Str. 30, D-22527 Hamburg,
Germany, 2009.
It is shown that Hack's Conjecture on Petri nets implies that for every language generated by a matrix grammar (without appearance checking), there is a non-erasing matrix grammar generating a language of the same Parikh image. Is is also shown that in this case, the classes of multiset languages generated by arbitrary and monotone multiset grammars coincide.
@TECHREPORT{Zetzsche09a, AUTHOR = {Zetzsche, Georg}, TITLE = {A Note on {Hack's Conjecture}, {Parikh} Images of Matrix Languages and Multiset Grammars}, NUMBER = {FBI-HH-B-289/09}, YEAR = {2009}, TYPE = FBIBericht, INSTITUTION = FBIUniHHab2006, ADDRESS = FBIUniAdresseen, ABSTRACT = {It is shown that Hack's Conjecture on Petri nets implies that for every language generated by a matrix grammar (without appearance checking), there is a non-erasing matrix grammar generating a language of the same Parikh image. Is is also shown that in this case, the classes of multiset languages generated by arbitrary and monotone multiset grammars coincide.} }