Thomas Wagner.
Modeling of a centralized Petri net- and agent-based workflow
management system.
Baccalaureats-arbeit, Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik,
Kurzfassung: In this contribution a centralized workflow management system is presented. It was modeled using multi-agent technology, in particular the Capa multi-agent platform. Along with a detailed description of the titular workflow management system, this contribution offers a short introduction into the technological and theoretical fields that are the system's foundations. The areas that are discussed are Petri nets, with an emphasis on reference nets, multi-agent technology, with an emphasis on the Mulan architecture and Capa platform, and workflow management.
@MASTERSTHESIS{Wagner09b, author = {Wagner, Thomas}, title = {Modeling of a Centralized {Petri} Net- and Agent-based Workflow Management System}, school = FBIUniHHab2006, year = {2009}, type = baccarbeit, abstract = {In this contribution a centralized workflow management system is presented. It was modeled using multi-agent technology, in particular the Capa multi-agent platform. Along with a detailed description of the titular workflow management system, this contribution offers a short introduction into the technological and theoretical fields that are the system's foundations. The areas that are discussed are Petri nets, with an emphasis on reference nets, multi-agent technology, with an emphasis on the Mulan architecture and Capa platform, and workflow management.} }
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