Olaf Kummer, Frank Wienberg, Michael Duvigneau, and Lawrence Cabac
Renew - the Reference Net Workshop.
Available at: http://www.renew.de/, August 2009.
Release 2.2.
Abstract: Renew is a Java-based high-level Petri net simulator and editor that provides a flexible modelling approach based on reference nets.[link]
@Misc{Kummer+09, author = {Kummer, Olaf and Wienberg, Frank and Duvigneau, Michael and Cabac, Lawrence}, title = {{Renew} -- The {Reference Net Workshop}}, note = {Release 2.2}, year = 2009, month = aug, howpublished = {Available at: \url{http://www.renew.de/}}, url = {http://www.renew.de/}, abstract = {Renew is a Java-based high-level Petri net simulator and editor that provides a flexible modelling approach based on reference nets.} }
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