Manfred Kudlek and Ludwik Czaja.
Synthesis and analysis of net structures and transition graphs.
In H.-D. Burkhard, Ludwik Czaja, G. Lindemann, and A. Skowron,
editors, Proceedings of the Workshop CS&P'2008, volume 1, pages
93-107, September 2008.
Abstract: The previously introduced multiset language classes defined by multiset storage automata are being explored with respect to their closure properties and alternative characterizations.[link]
@INPROCEEDINGS{Kudlek+08d, AUTHOR = {Kudlek, Manfred and Czaja, Ludwik}, TITLE = {Synthesis and Analysis of Net Structures and Transition Graphs}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop CS{\&}P'2008}, EDITOR = {Burkhard, H.-D. and Czaja, Ludwik and Lindemann, G. and Skowron, A.}, MONTH = sep, PAGES = {93--107}, VOLUME = 1, YEAR = 2008, ABSTRACT = {The previously introduced multiset language classes defined by multiset storage automata are being explored with respect to their closure properties and alternative characterizations.}, url = {} }
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