Manfred Kudlek, Patrick Totzke, and Georg Zetzsche.
Multiset storage automata.
In H.-D. Burkhard, Ludwik Czaja, G. Lindemann, and A. Skowron,
editors, Proceedings of the Workshop CS&P'2008, volume 2, pages
265-277, September 2008.
Kurzfassung: Two kinds of multiset automata with a storage attached, varying only in their ability of testing the storage for emptiness, are introduced, as well as normal forms. Their accepting power and relation to other multiset languages classes is investigated.[link]
@INPROCEEDINGS{Kudlek+08, AUTHOR = {Kudlek, Manfred and Totzke, Patrick and Zetzsche, Georg}, TITLE = {Multiset Storage Automata}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop CS{\&}P'2008}, EDITOR = {Burkhard, H.-D. and Czaja, Ludwik and Lindemann, G. and Skowron, A.}, MONTH = sep, PAGES = {265--277}, VOLUME = 2, YEAR = 2008, ABSTRACT = {Two kinds of multiset automata with a storage attached, varying only in their ability of testing the storage for emptiness, are introduced, as well as normal forms. Their accepting power and relation to other multiset languages classes is investigated.}, url = {} }
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