Matthias Wester-Ebbinghaus, Daniel Moldt, Christine Reese, and Kolja Markwardt.
Towards organization-oriented software engineering.
In Heinz Züllighoven, editor, Software Engineering Konferenz
2007 in Hamburg: SE'07 Proceedings, volume 105 of LNI, pages 205-217.
GI, 2007.
Resumen: Software systems are subject to ever increasing complexity so that the necessity for their efficient structuring arises. In this context, the concept of organization as an expressive and abstract real-world analogue appears to be a promising starting point. In this paper, the advancement of the agent-oriented approach to software engineering to a truly organization-oriented one is propagated. In doing so, the possibility of abstraction through the metaphor of organizational unit will be highlighted. This concept allows to summarize a set of units in such a manner that complex systems may be regarded and treated as wholes. The aim is a multi-level and multi-dimensional approach to organization-oriented design that shall be qualified for the engineering of large software systems as well as for the general understanding of complex systems.
@InProceedings{Wester+07a, author = {Wester-Ebbinghaus, Matthias and Moldt, Daniel and Reese, Christine and Markwardt, Kolja}, Title = {Towards Organization--Oriented Software Engineering}, Booktitle = {Software Engineering Konferenz 2007 in Hamburg: SE'07 Proceedings}, Publisher = {GI}, Series = {LNI}, Volume = {105}, Pages = {205--217}, Editor = {Z{\"u}llighoven, Heinz}, Year = 2007, Keywords = {high-level Petri nets, organization-oriented software engineering, software landscaping, reference nets, software architecture in-the-large}, Abstract = {Software systems are subject to ever increasing complexity so that the necessity for their efficient structuring arises. In this context, the concept of organization as an expressive and abstract real-world analogue appears to be a promising starting point. In this paper, the advancement of the agent-oriented approach to software engineering to a truly organization-oriented one is propagated. In doing so, the possibility of abstraction through the metaphor of organizational unit will be highlighted. This concept allows to summarize a set of units in such a manner that complex systems may be regarded and treated as wholes. The aim is a multi-level and multi-dimensional approach to organization-oriented design that shall be qualified for the engineering of large software systems as well as for the general understanding of complex systems. } }
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