Roxana Dietze, Manfred Kudlek, and Olaf Kummer.
On decidability problems of a basic class of object nets.
Technical Report FBI-HH-B-270/06, Universität Hamburg,
Fachbereich Informatik, Vogt-Kölln Str. 30, D-22527 Hamburg, March
@TechReport{Dietze+06, author = {Dietze, Roxana and Kudlek, Manfred and Kummer, Olaf}, title = {On Decidability Problems of a Basic Class of Object Nets}, institution = FBIUniHH, year = {2006}, OPTtype = {}, number = {FBI-HH-B-270/06}, address = FBIUniAdresse, month = mar, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} }