Christian von Scheve, Daniel Moldt, Julia Fix, and Rolf von Lüde.
My agents love to conform: Emotions, norms, and social control in
natural and artificial societies.
In Proceedings on NorMAS2005 - Symposium of the AISB 2005
(Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour), Universität
Hertfordshire, Hatfield, England, pages 73-84, 2005.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Scheve+05, AUTHOR = {von Scheve, Christian and Moldt, Daniel and Fix, Julia and von L{\"u}de, Rolf}, TITLE = {My Agents Love to Conform: Emotions, Norms, and Social Control in Natural and Artificial Societies}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings on NorMAS2005 -- Symposium of the AISB 2005 (Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour), Universit{\"a}t Hertfordshire, Hatfield, England}, PAGES = {73--84}, URL = {}, YEAR = 2005 }