Sven Offermann, Jan Ortmann, and Christine Reese.
Agent based settler game, 2005.
Part of NETDEMO, demonstration at the international conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems, AAMAS-2005.
Resumen: No abstracts yet.[link]
@MISC{Offermann+05, AUTHOR = {Offermann, Sven and Ortmann, Jan and Reese, Christine}, TITLE = {Agent Based Settler Game}, YEAR = 2005, NOTE = {Part of NETDEMO, demonstration at the international conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems, AAMAS-2005}, crossref = {Willmott+05}, url = { netdemo/Demos2005/aamas2005_netdemo_settler.pdf} } @InProceedings{Willmott+05, AUTHOR = {Willmott, Steven and Beer, Martin and Hill, Richard and Greenwood, Dominic and Calisti, Monique and Mathieson, Ian and Padgham, Lin and Reese, Christine and Lehmann, Kolja and Scholz, Thorsten and Shafiq, M. Omar}, TITLE = {NETDEMO: openNet Networked Agents Demonstration}, BOOKTITLE = {AAMAS 2005. Proceedings (Industry Track)}, EDITOR = {Pechoucek, Michael and Steiner, Donald and Thompson, Simon}, PAGES = {129--130}, YEAR = 2005, NOTE = {2 individual demos: (1) CAPA: The CAPA Mobile Chat Agent {\&} Web Services Gateway Agent and (2) Settler: AgentBased Settler Game} }
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