Michael Köhler and Berndt Farwer.
Petri net processes for zero-safe nets.
Fundamenta Informaticae, 67:1-11, 2005.
Kurzfassung: Composition of modules to larger units is a technique frequently used during the software development life cycle. It is mostly used in a ``bottom up'' fashion, suggested by the principles of object orientation, where the composition of simple objects to a complex one plays a central role. Composition in Petri nets has been studied in the form of place and transition fusion. Zero-Safe Nets represent a special approach, which allows the use of more complex synchronisation structures, so-called transactions. The definition of transactions is based on interleaving semantics, i.e. on firing-sequences. Problems arise, since the definition is not closed with respect to the permutation of actions. This paper presents a partial order concurrency semantics for zero-safe nets based on Petri net processes. Using these semantics, a characterisation of such transactions closed with respect to permutation of concurrent actions becomes possible.
@Article{Farwer+05a, author = {K{\"o}hler, Michael and Farwer, Berndt}, title = {{Petri} Net Processes for Zero-Safe Nets}, journal = {Fundamenta Informaticae}, volume = {67}, keywords = {Petri nets}, pages = {1--11}, year = 2005, Abstract = { Composition of modules to larger units is a technique frequently used during the software development life cycle. It is mostly used in a ``bottom up'' fashion, suggested by the principles of object orientation, where the composition of simple objects to a complex one plays a central role. Composition in Petri nets has been studied in the form of place and transition fusion. Zero-Safe Nets represent a special approach, which allows the use of more complex synchronisation structures, so-called transactions. The definition of transactions is based on interleaving semantics, i.e. on firing-sequences. Problems arise, since the definition is not closed with respect to the permutation of actions. This paper presents a partial order concurrency semantics for zero-safe nets based on Petri net processes. Using these semantics, a characterisation of such transactions closed with respect to permutation of concurrent actions becomes possible. } }
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