Lawrence Cabac
, Michael Duvigneau, Daniel Moldt, and Heiko Rölke.
Agent technologies for plug-in system architecture design.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Agent-oriented Software
Engineering (AOSE), Utrecht, Netherlands, 2005.
Kurzfassung: In this work we present the basic concepts for a dynamic plug-in-based software architecture using concepts from the Petri net-based MAS framework Mulan. By transferring the concepts of agent-orientation to a plug-in-based architecture we are able to design our application and the plug-in-based system on an abstract level. Moreover, general problems that evolve from a highly dynamic and configurable architecture have been solved by basing the conceptual design on multi-agent principles. In this paper we discuss the general problems that are inherent to extensible systems and the benefits that the multi-agent view can provide to solve these problems. In addition to the conceptual modeling of such architectures, we provide a practical example where the concept has been successfully applied in the development of the latest release of Renew (Version 2 of the multiformalism Petri net IDE). The overall monolithic architecture has been exchanged with a system that is divided into a plug-in management system and plug-ins that provide functionality. Through the introduction of the multi-agent concepts, the new architecture is now - at runtime - dynamically extensible by registering plug-ins with the management system. The introduced concepts are applicable for any kind of architecture but most suitable for applications with dynamic structure.
@InProceedings{Cabac+05d, author = {Cabac, Lawrence and Duvigneau, Michael and Moldt, Daniel and R{\"o}lke, Heiko}, title = {Agent Technologies for Plug-in System Architecture Design}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Agent-oriented Software Engineering (AOSE)}, year = 2005, address = {Utrecht, Netherlands}, abstract = { In this work we present the basic concepts for a dynamic plug-in-based software architecture using concepts from the Petri net-based MAS framework Mulan. By transferring the concepts of agent-orientation to a plug-in-based architecture we are able to design our application and the plug-in-based system on an abstract level. Moreover, general problems that evolve from a highly dynamic and configurable architecture have been solved by basing the conceptual design on multi-agent principles. In this paper we discuss the general problems that are inherent to extensible systems and the benefits that the multi-agent view can provide to solve these problems. In addition to the conceptual modeling of such architectures, we provide a practical example where the concept has been successfully applied in the development of the latest release of Renew (Version 2 of the multiformalism Petri net IDE). The overall monolithic architecture has been exchanged with a system that is divided into a plug-in management system and plug-ins that provide functionality. Through the introduction of the multi-agent concepts, the new architecture is now - at runtime - dynamically extensible by registering plug-ins with the management system. The introduced concepts are applicable for any kind of architecture but most suitable for applications with dynamic structure.}, annotate = {Filename: masplugin (revision: submitted-aose05)} }
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