Berndt Farwer and Manfred Kudlek.
A new synchronisation model for multi-level object Petri nets.
Fundamenta Informaticae, 60(1-4):131-142, 2004.
@article{Farwer+04a, Abstract = {The present paper continues work from [7]. One goal of this work is to find a class of (object) Petri nets of lesser power than Turing machines, such that there exists a universal Petri net within that class. Another goal is to surpass the restricted synchronisation of transitions in object and system nets in the case of value semantics. Finally, an encoding of the proposed class of object Petri nets into linear logic Petri nets (LLPNs) is given, which directly leads to a specification that can be model-checked by existing tools.}, Author = {Farwer, Berndt and Kudlek, Manfred}, Journal = {Fundamenta Informaticae}, Number = {1--4}, Pages = {131--142}, Title = {A New Synchronisation Model for Multi-Level Object {Petri} Nets}, Volume = {60}, Year = 2004 }