Matthias Jantzen and Alexy Kurganskyy.
Refining the hierarchy of Blind Multicounter languages and
Twist-Closed Trios.
Information and Computation, 185(2):159-181, 2003.
Kurzfassung: We introduce the new families $(k,r)\mbox{--RBC}$ of languages accepted in quasi-realtime by one-way counter automata having $k$~blind counters, of which at least $r$ are reversal-bounded. It is proved, that these families form a strict and linear hierarchy of semi-AFLs within the the family BLIND = $\mathcal{M}_{\cap}({C_1})$ of blind multicounter languages with generator $C_1=\{w\in\{a_1, b_1\}^*\mid \abs{w}_{a_1} = \abs{w}_{b_1}\}$. This thereby combines the families BLIND and RBC from [Greibach 1978] to one strict hierarchy and generalizes and sharpens Greibachs results. The strict inclusions between the $k$-counter families $(k,r)\mbox{--RBC}$ are proved using linear algebra techniques. We also study the language theoretic monadic operation $\mathit{twist}$, [Jantzen and Peterson 1987, 1994], in connection with the semi-AFLs of languages accepted by multicounter and multipushdown acceptors, all restricted to reversal-bounded behavior. It is verified, that the family $(k,r)\mbox{--RBC}$ is $\mathit{twist}$-closed if and only if $r=0$, in which case $(k,0)\mbox{--RBC}=\TRIO{C_{k}}$, $C_{k}$ being the k-fold shuffle of disjoint copies of $C_{1}$. We characterize the family $\mathcal{M}_{\cap}(\mathit {PAL})$ of languages accepted in quasi-realtime by non-deterministic one-way reversal-bounded multipushdown acceptors as the least $\mathit{twist}$-closed trio $\mathcal{M}_{\mathit{twist}}(\mathit {PAL})$ generated by the set of palindromes $\mathit {PAL} =\{w \in\{a, b\}^*\mid w=w^{\mathit{rev}} \}$.
@article{Jantzen+03, Author = {Jantzen, Matthias and Kurganskyy, Alexy}, Journal = {Information and Computation}, Number = 2, Pages = {159--181}, Title = {Refining the Hierarchy of {Blind Multicounter} Languages and {Twist-Closed Trios}}, Volume = 185, Year = 2003, Abstract = {We introduce the new families $(k,r)\mbox{--RBC}$ of languages accepted in quasi-realtime by one-way counter automata having $k$~blind counters, of which at least $r$ are reversal-bounded. It is proved, that these families form a strict and linear hierarchy of semi-AFLs within the the family BLIND = $\mathcal{M}_{\cap}({C_1})$ of blind multicounter languages with generator $C_1=\{w\in\{a_1, b_1\}^*\mid \abs{w}_{a_1} = \abs{w}_{b_1}\}$. This thereby combines the families BLIND and RBC from [Greibach 1978] to one strict hierarchy and generalizes and sharpens Greibachs results. The strict inclusions between the $k$-counter families $(k,r)\mbox{--RBC}$ are proved using linear algebra techniques. We also study the language theoretic monadic operation $\mathit{twist}$, [Jantzen and Peterson 1987, 1994], in connection with the semi-AFLs of languages accepted by multicounter and multipushdown acceptors, all restricted to reversal-bounded behavior. It is verified, that the family $(k,r)\mbox{--RBC}$ is $\mathit{twist}$-closed if and only if $r=0$, in which case $(k,0)\mbox{--RBC}=\TRIO{C_{k}}$, $C_{k}$ being the k-fold shuffle of disjoint copies of $C_{1}$. We characterize the family $\mathcal{M}_{\cap}(\mathit {PAL})$ of languages accepted in quasi-realtime by non-deterministic one-way reversal-bounded multipushdown acceptors as the least $\mathit{twist}$-closed trio $\mathcal{M}_{\mathit{twist}}(\mathit {PAL})$ generated by the set of palindromes $\mathit {PAL} =\{w \in\{a, b\}^*\mid w=w^{\mathit{rev}} \}$.} }
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