Matthias Jantzen and Alexy Kurganskyy.
Refining the hierarchy of blind multicounter languages.
Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik FBI-HH-B- 229/01, Universität
Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik, Vogt-Kölln Str. 30, D-22527 Hamburg,
@techreport{Jantzen+01, Abstract = {We show that the families $(k,r)\mbox{--$\mathit{RBC}$}$ of languages accepted (in quasi-realtime) by one-way counter automata having $k$~blind counters of which $r$ are reversal-bounded form a strict and linear hierarchy of semi-AFLs. This hierarchy comprises the families $\mathit{BLIND} = \mathcal{M}_{\cap}({C_1})$ of blind multicounter languages with generator $C_1:=\{w\in\{a_1, b_1\}^*\mid \abs{w}_{a_1} = \abs{w}_{b_1}\}$ and $RBC = \mathcal{M}_{\cap}({B_1})$ of reversal-bounded multicounter languages with generator $B_1 := \{a_1^n b_1^n \mid n\in \N \}$. This generalizes and sharpens the known results from [Greibach 1978] and [Jantzen 1998]. The proof for the strict inclusions for the first time uses techniques from linear algebra.}, Address = FBIUniAdresse, Author = {Jantzen, Matthias and Kurganskyy, Alexy}, Institution = FBIUniHHbis2005, Number = {FBI-HH-B- 229/01}, Pages = 18, Type = FBIBericht, Title = {Refining the Hierarchy of Blind Multicounter Languages}, Year = 2001 }