Matthias Jantzen and Holger Petersen.
Cancellation in context-free languages: enrichment by reduction.
Bericht des Fachbereichs Informatik FBI-HH-B- 155/92, Universität
Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik, Vogt-Kölln Str. 30, D-22527 Hamburg,
@techreport{Jantzen+92, Address = FBIUniAdresse, Author = {Jantzen, Matthias and Petersen, Holger}, Institution = FBIUniHHbis2005, Number = {FBI-HH-B- 155/92}, Pages = 23, Type = FBIBericht, Title = {Cancellation in context-free languages: enrichment by reduction}, Year = 1992 }