Matthias Jantzen and Manfred Opp.
A normal form theorem for label grammars.
Mathematical Systems Theory, 14(1):289-303, 1981.
Abstract: No abstracts yet.
@article{Jantzen+81, Abstract = {We characterize the images of Szilard languages under decreasing homomorphisms using so-called label grammars and show that each $\lambda$-free label language is in fact the coding of some Szilard language. This result shows that decreasing homomorphisms do not have more generating power on Szilard languages than codings, except that they generate the empty word.}, Author = {Jantzen, Matthias and Opp, Manfred}, Journal = {Mathematical Systems Theory}, Number = 1, Pages = {289--303}, Title = {A normal form theorem for label grammars}, Volume = 14, Year = 1981 }
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