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Evaluation of Generic Process Design Pattern: An Experimental Study.

Zapf, M.; Heinzl, A.

In: van der Aalst, W.M.P.; Desel, J.; Oberweis, A.: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1806: Business Process Managements - models, techniques and empirical studies, pages 83-98. Springer-Verlag, 2000.

Abstract: In this chapter we present a framework for evaluating generic process design patterns. This framework is developed and tested for call center organization as one specific application domain at first but will be modified for other domains in the future. As starting point we briefly examine available contributions from organizational theory and operations research which are applicable for evaluating generic process design patterns. Based on this, we will identify the most relevant process patterns in our application domain and work out relevant performance criteria. In the second part of the chapter the evaluation framework will be tested within an experimental study. Thereby we compare different process partitioning strategies as typical design patterns in call centers. Our analysis will provide insight to the question under which circumstances a specific design pattern is preferable towards another.

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