In: Proceedings of the second IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC'02), October 6-9, 2002, Hammamet, Tunisia, Volume 1. IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2002.
Abstract: In order to control discrete events systems, we focus on the modelling step, and we associate specifications and empiric knowledge of a system to produce its Petri net model using genetic algorithms. This petri net will help to control the system by becoming an abstract model of the command as well as a model of the system itself. We propose a genetic structure specially dedicated to the Petri net synthesis, and present the architecture of the corresponding software, Petrigen, which can be used from the definition of a model until its utilisation to produce an efficient command. We illustrate our work with the example of the Stiquito, a hexapod robot for which we try to synthesize some efficient gaits.