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Reachability in contextual nets.

Winkowski, Józef

In: Fundamenta Informaticae, Volume 51, Issue 1, pages 235-250. IOS Press, June 2002.

Abstract: Contextual nets, or Petri nets with read arcs, are models of concurrent systems with context dependent actions. The problem of teachability in such nets consists in finding a sequence of transitions that leads from the initial marking of a given contextual net to a given goal marking. The solution to this problem that is presented in this paper consists in constructing a finite complete prefix of the unfolding of the given contextual net, that is a finite prefix in which all the markings that are reachable from the initial marking are present, and in searching in each branch of this prefix for the goal marking by solving an appropriate linear programming problem.

Keywords: Petri net with read arcs; branching process; complete prefix; configuration; contextual net; contextual occurrence net; cut; history; linear programming; marking; state; unfolding.

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