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Is Partial Order Semantics Necessary for Action Refinement?.

Vogler, Walter

1/91 A: Report TUM--I9101; SFB-Bericht No. 342, pages 1-23 pp.. München, Germany: Technische Universiät, Institut für Informatik, Sonderforschungsbereich ``Methoden und Werkzeuge für die Nutzung paralleler Rechnerarchitekturen'', January 1991.

Abstract: The author compares two sorts of semantics that have been shown to induce congruences w.r.t. action refinement. One is a partial order sementics based on interval orders, the other is more or less sequential considering the beginning and endng of each action. A new decidability result is shown using the latter semantics. Furthermore it is discussed how partial order semantics can be modified to a failure type semantics.

Keywords: partial order semantics; action refinement; decidability; failure type semantics.

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