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Decision Support by Rapid Simulation Using Simulation Nets.

Törn, Aimo A.

In: Decis. Support. Syst., Vol. 6, No. 4, pages 299-305. October 1990.

Abstract: The working of a tool, Simulation Nets, for designing and executing models for simulation of systems is presented. The tool is an extension of Petri Nets. The resulting graphical model consists of a number of submodels. The submodels are exact enough to permit simulation experiments to be performed without the need of programming. This permits easy incremental validation of the model, i.e., validation of the submodels and a hierarchy of coupled submodels. Simulation nets thus facilities rapid modeling and experimentation. Experiences with a working prototype are presented.

Keywords: decision support (by) simulation (using) simulation net(s); extended net; hierarchy (of) coupled submodel(s); incremental validation.

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