In: Joint Computer Science Technical Report Series TR-CS-98-09, pages 110-128. September 1998. Grundy J., Schwenke M., Vickers T., eds., The Australian National University. Proceedings of International Refinement Workshop and Formal Methods Pacific - 98 (IRW/FMP'98), Work-in-Progress Papers, Canberra, Australia, September 29 - October 2, 1998.;
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the investigation of behavioural equivalences for Petri nets with silent transitions. Basic tau-equivalences and back-forth tau-bisimulation equivalences are supplemented by new ones, giving rise to complete set of equivalence notions in interleaving / true concurrency and linear / branching time semantics. Their interrelations are examined, and the preservation of all the equivalence notions by refinements is investigated.
Keywords: Petri nets with silent transitions; basic tau-equivalences; back-forth tau-bisimulation equivalences; refinement.