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Approximations in information nets.

Skowron, A.; Stepaniuk, J.; Peters, J.F.

In: H.D. Burkhard, L. Czaja, G. Lindemann, A. Skowron, P. Starke (Eds.), Informatik-Bericht Nr. 161, Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin: Workshop Concurrency, Specification and Programming CS & P'2002, Berlin; Oct. 7-9, Vol. 2, pages 327-340. October 2002.

Abstract: We investigate infomorphisms between two information systems IS1 and IS2. Such Infomorphisms make it possible to define semantics of some formulas over IS2 by means of formulas over IS1. The approximations are defined using rough set approach. We present definitions and examples of such approximations.

Keywords: rough set theory; classifications; infomorphisms; approximations; approximate reasoning; information nets.

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