1: ESPRIT Project 125 - GRASPIN; Technical Paper GMD 41, pages 1-28 pp.. St. Augustin: Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH, March 1990.
Abstract: The specification language SEGRAS is centred on Predicat-Event nets (PrE nets), a class of Petri nets whose data and behavioural invariants are defined using algebraic specifications. The paper focuses on the analysis metods developed for these nets --- PrE nets inherit from the algebraic theory of abstract data types and from net theory. From the side of algebraic specification notions like the modular decomposition and completeness carry over to PrT nets; from the net-theoretic side theorems and methods for the analysis of behavioural properties are applicable to PrE nets. Here in particular the author considers net transformations and decomposition methods.
Keywords: GRASPIN; SEGRAS; predicat-event net; algebraic specification; abstract data type; modular decomposition.