In: EurAsia-ICT 2002: Information and Communication Technology, Proceedings of the First EurAsian Conference, Shiraz, Iran, October 29-31, 2002, pages 289-296. Volume 2510 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science / M.H. Shafazand, A Min Tjoa (Eds.) --- Springer Verlag, October 2002.
Abstract: Modelling workflow processes includes transformation of the process logic into a formal representation. Petri net-based modelling is popular in academia, but it suffers from the modelling difficulties and complicated structure which make the technique less practical. In this paper we introduce a component-based approach for modelling of workflow processes using Coloured Petri nets. The proposed method introduces workflow components that are the transformation of execution constructs into Petri net models. Components are process-independent models that can be used to design workflow processes. This approach accelerates the modelling process and model validation. In addition, it increases the modelling power of Coloured Petri nets for workflow applications.
Keywords: Workflow; Compositional Modelling; Coloured Petri nets; Design/CPN; Role-based Modelling; Organisation Modelling.