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Interconnection of High Speed Device. A New Parallel Controller-Architecture for High Speed Local Area Networks.

Rupprecht, M.; Fehlau, F.; Martini, P.

In: WG6 4 Second International Workshop, 1988, Liege, Belgium: High Speed Local Area Networks 2. Proceedings of the IFIP TC 6, pages 223-231,. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1990.

Abstract: In this paper the authors present a new approach to network controller architectures on a multiprocessor basis, with Petri nets being used for both organizing and programming. Three classes of autonomous components are distinguished: `Decision units' run the place/transition net, they decide what to do; the work itself is done by components belonging to the second class; the data memory may be regarded as a third class of autonomous components.

Keywords: high speed device; parallel controller-architecture; local area network; place/transition net; multiprocessor system.

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