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Model Oriented Software Architecture.

Reza, Hassan; Grant, Emanuel

In: 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference - Workshops and Fast Abstracts - (COMPSAC'04), September 28 - 30, 2004, Hong Kong, pages 4-5. IEEE Press, September 2004.

Abstract: Software architectures are heterogeneous, multiple-dimensional entities that aim to reduce the cost and ease the complexity associated with the development of large, complex software systems. To fully realize the advantages of software architectures, they need to be specified by a blend of modeling notations at the same (or at different) levels of abstractions.

In this paper, we discuss the benefits of a multiformalism modeling approach that integrates existing modeling languages, such as UML (Unified Modeling Language), HPrTNs (Hierarchical Predicate Transitions Nets), with an ADL known as DST (Diagrammatic Syntactic Theory).

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